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Household recycling centres opening hours and locations. A ground service agent with no flight experience whatsoever managed to do insanely difficult aerial maneuvers in a stolen plane that was thought to be impossible to do those maneuvers in. A Baboon who took over for his paraplegic owner as an employee of the Cape government railway. Hier haben Sie jederzeit Zugriff auf Ihre Abonnements, können den Urlaubsservice buchen und uns Ihre Anliegen zur Bestellung, Zahlung und Prämien mitteilen. One of the richest men in history, with a. A Japanese experimental music group whose most popular album has been affectionately described as "What a bug hears when it's being flushed down the toilet" and "Directly looking at the sun with your ears". A Swedish dish consisting of rotten herring, said to have the worst smell in the world. Tips in and around High Wycombe See more. Commentator with an equally unpronounceable real name (Eefje Depoortere). A Hungarian-American freestyle skier who competed at the, An imaginary ice hockey player, drafted because. One external link describes its scent as "a used tampon baking in the desert.". The rare condition of an unborn fetus calcifying. The Internet was once titillated over this, Not a list of some scientific pioneers from Europe, but a Russian. Think your loved one will be pleased if you knit them a sweater? A song mentioned in a top songs list of a notable magazine, that was long-believed by some to be non-existent because collectors were unable to find a recording or further information on it until 33 years after it was written. Fermented soybean curd is apparently a delicacy for some people. Do you smell something fishy? Residents across the Wycombe area receive a comprehensive, kerbside recycling collection and we also collect extra recycling when presented alongside recycling bins on collection day. During the 1850s, the city was raised on jacks, building by building. The religious rape case that became a movie and involved the cloning of a dog. A gun with square bullets to be used against non-Christian enemies. Single tickets only, unless you're a mourner or other visitor. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Did the Luftwaffe, in fact, explore the final frontier and make contact with alien races? How do you get a dictator out of an embassy? You can probably guess the plot. A test – sometimes called a "hamster test" – involving human semen, hamster eggs and a petri dish. FCC Environment run this site along with the other nine across the county. The entrant into the Rainhill Trial that placed Horse Power against Steam Power. The result of being too friendly with llamas. What happens to Wikipedia article titles when two different bands with the same exact name both release self-titled albums. The. Tales of live toads and other creatures encased in stone. (Although it is unknown what happens to anyone who breaks this law.). When defining international boundaries, sometimes a straight line isn't the best solution. Understanding the political context of the mid-to-late 1890s in the United States will give you a different understanding of the gold, silver and emerald symbolism, among other things. Created after World War II to control raisin prices. One of the few places on Earth not claimed by any country. A group of Russian hikers attempt to escape an unknown horror on "Death Mountain.". At first, the. Closure of recycling centres. And sank again. Supposed colors that do not appear in ordinary visual functioning. For unusual contributions that are of greater levity, see Wikipedia:Silly Things. High Heavens, Clay Lane, Booker, SL7 3DJ. The extinction of highly endangered parasites at the hands of conservationists. All the ingredients of pizza, grown in one convenient location! A lake where jellyfish have evolved without stingers due to a lack of predators. A songwriter who has released over 20,000 songs under at least seventy pseudonyms such as "Papa Razzi and the Photogs", "The Hungry Food Band", and "The Odd Man Who Sings About Poop, Puke and Pee". Home. Dubbed the luckiest/unluckiest man to exist, cheated death seven times and also managed to win the lottery! Deliberately misleading, irrelevant or false information meant to suggest. An Argentine national who was the first person to be born in Antarctica. You think. Vous trouverez dans ici le détail sur les médicaments remboursés en France entre 2012 et 2019 (quand des données plus récentes seront publiées, elles seront mises à jour) There are really some places where death is illegal. Run by the Raisin Administrative Committee, of course. Are your video games not selling? Created in order to promote typing and find the fastest typists in the United States of America. The subject might be found amusing, though serious. He won the Nobel prize for it, too. This minimises transport helping the environment. A film scheduled to be released on New Year's Eve 2020 that was planned to be 30 days long. A breed of goat whose muscles freeze for about 10 seconds when it is startled. Australian political personality and founder of the British Ultra Loyalist League Serving Historical Interests Today. A simulated Nazi invasion of the Canadian city of. Vegans are the only group who can oppose this festival without any fear of hypocrisy. No worries! Blobs of organic matter found washed up on beaches, which are frequently as mysterious as they are disgusting. From the incel forums comes this whole new slang. A French adventurer created a kingdom in Vietnam. Mom! The article is something a reasonable person would not expect to find in a standard encyclopedia. The sudden burning of a person's body without any apparent source of ignition. This process reduces the need for peat-based compost. Protocol for controlling and monitoring coffee pots. Used for. The approving use of Nazi-era style, imagery, and paraphernalia in clothing and popular culture. The concept has eluded and baffled the greatest minds for thousands of years – and will continue to elude anyone who tries to build one. Now collectors' items because of their printing differences. A humorous abductive reasoning test based on the activities of a duck. It was probably. Warfare nearly ensues. How much you wanna bet he's going to be Catholic? Now replaced by an apartment building, its site remains City of Los Angeles Historic Cultural Monument, A secret train platform located below the, It's harder than you think to construct the state of. Be careful – that delicious food item could be dangerous to prescription-drug users. There Are Liberals Under My Bed, How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming, Striking and Picturesque Delineations of the Grand, Beautiful, Wonderful, and Interesting Scenery Around Loch-Earn, List of classical music concerts with an unruly audience response, Marilyn Manson–Columbine High School massacre controversy, All Lights Fucked on the Hairy Amp Drooling, Danger Mouse and Sparklehorse Present: Dark Night of the Soul, List of musical works in unusual time signatures, List of songs topping polls for worst songs, The Monty Python Matching Tie and Handkerchief, This was made. Mongolia once had one of the world's largest navies. A windowless skyscraper in New York. using a trailer bigger than 0.9m x 1.2m. How is that possible? Royall, Allah in Person claims to have spent the 1980s in a spaceship with angels who informed him that he was God and instructed him on how to govern the world. A king of Anuradhapura whose name has way too many As for me to be comfortable with. The superstition that any composer of symphonies, from Beethoven onwards, will die soon after writing their own Ninth Symphony. More than one German leader has been known for a distinctive hand gesture. Apparently you're not alone. List of inventors killed by their own inventions, Society for the Prevention of Calling Sleeping Car Porters "George", On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computer Science, "Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!" A law firm that blackmailed people for allegedly downloading pornography; the firm was described by one court as a "porno-trolling collective". The music (itself a. Prime numbers that differ from each other by sex. On the pros and cons of letting toilet paper hang. A stock sound effect first recorded in 1951 and used in dozens of films (including seven. Money might not grow on trees, but maybe sheep do. Ever woken up thinking this has just happened? An 18 foot, 13,000 pound concrete sculpture of a troll clutching a VW beetle located in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. Lyulph Ydwallo Odin Nestor Egbert Lyonel Toedmag Hugh Erchenwyne Saxon Esa Cromwell Orma Nevill Dysart Tollemache, Nicholas If-Jesus-Christ-Had-Not-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon, Richard Plantagenet Campbell Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 3rd Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Rinderkennzeichnungs- und Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, Fictional elements, isotopes and atomic particles, List of chemical compounds with unusual names, Proton-enhanced nuclear induction spectroscopy, All watched over by machines of loving grace, List of hypothetical Solar System objects. While imprisoned in England, he remained ravenous despite being put on ten times the rations of other inmates, eating the prison cat, at least twenty rats and, on a regular basis, the prison candles. A 19th-century Scottish surgeon who, among other things, performed what has been described as "The only operation in history with a 300 percent mortality". The world's most successful and widely shown animal artist. Think again. The content may be fictitious, but the entry is a fact. A tendency to see religious imagery in the textures of corn chips, cinnamon rolls, toast, clouds, etc. An undeciphered illustrated book written six hundred or so years ago by an anonymous author using an unidentified alphabet. What happens when contagious laughter becomes an actual epidemic. One of the latest trends to be popularized by. As of August 2009, it holds the record for the longest album title. Scientific consensus says it isn't, but are there people (or wolves) who think so? Being clinically disappointed by Paris. A condition found in remote regions of India in which people believe they have conceived a puppy shortly after being bitten by a dog. A protein in the vertebrate hedgehog family that was officially named after, A species of snapping shrimp named after the famous. Also known as Sentinel Peak, this hill in, A natural topographic feature in Alberta, Canada, which, when viewed from above, looks remarkably like a human wearing a. It is not known if hallucinations will occur if one fish consumes another. Soldiers have occasionally been trained to use the bicycle for military purposes. He would sometimes accompany his attacks by shouting "Spanko!". Eloquent, fine dining in a high-security prison. Another rotten borough which had almost entirely fallen into the sea over two centuries before it was abolished. Recycling centres across the local area have now moved to summer opening times, with the Buckinghamshire County Council confirming the opening times for the upcoming Easter bank holiday weekend. A public phone booth that stood for several decades in the middle of a desert, miles away from any roads or other structures. Who knew not liking happiness is possible? An expedition to a non-existent island created to swindle. Unknown forces cause large groups of people to dance hysterically until dropping from exhaustion in multiple incidents in Europe from the 13th to 17th centuries. Traffic-lighted intersections, drawbridges, and other oddities in the. Medieval documents cite the existence of a female pope – proof of a Vatican cover up or a blasphemous slur? Accept all cookies. You can die if a coconut falls on your coconut. Revelations of a vast right-wing conspiracy, or just a glitch? How the Austrians fought against themselves over liquor and resulted in 1,200 own casualties. What happens when you blow in a hole in a tube? What are VicRoads thinking? A dead man is found on an Australian beach with no identification and a bizarre fragment of a book in his pocket. using a commercial vehicle. on foot. The belief that different people are actually one person in disguise. For centuries the two most popular house pets have been fighting like, well, cats and dogs. The world's highest battlefield, with very predictable terrain. Discovered the. Cllr Carl Etholen said were Bledlow Ridge Household Recycling Centre re … An 18th-century drinking song whose melody was later adopted for ". A great ecological problem indeed complete with fifteen references in Russian. Voluntary or involuntary defecation in persons who are. To this day, his identity and cause of death are still unknown. Gerald Mayo v. Satan and His Staff, United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins, United States v. Article Consisting of 50,000 Cardboard Boxes More or Less, Each Containing One Pair of Clacker Balls, List of fictional Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom, I'm sure she knows more than she's letting on, The All-Joking, All-Drunken Synod of Fools and Jesters, As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly, Non-canonical books referenced in the Bible, I don’t see enough evidence that we landed on the moon, Unfulfilled Christian religious predictions, List of people who have claimed to be Jesus, List of people who have been considered deities, List of wars extended by diplomatic irregularity, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead, List of entertainers who died during a performance. In a cunningly misnamed project, domestic chickens were set to wage nuclear warfare. Bread made by English women in the seventeenth century that involved kneading and pressing against the woman's buttocks. For once, a sweet smell you don't want your infants exuding. It is a flatulence-themed roller coaster. Later the basis of a porn film starring Darby Lloyd Rains. People have asked this for over 150 years. Later noted as a pioneer of. Reports in 2001 of a strange monkey-like creature appearing in. Some of them have figured out how to commute using the subway system. A river in New Zealand that is legally a person. Somehow, there was a presidential campaign for an infamous serial killer serving eight life sentences in a supermax prison. A writer widely held to be the worst poet in the English language. And sank again. A lake that is naturally pink, but suddenly turned blue in 2010. There's a better way to get hold of earthworms. The most important WWE/Hanna-Barbera collaboration. The fascinating target of the world's first. American society leader, philanthropist, patron and collector of the arts, and one of the most respected women in Texas during the 20th century. A common (but sometimes lethal) game played with. Not to be confused with the. A writer and musician who explores serial killer and pedophile lore, while simultaneously praising them in his work. Whence the British Pound lands in court every year. A term used to describe any material with properties that are unlikely or impossible for any real material to possess. A European moth with wing markings bearing a chance resemblance to a letter in the. A plant that rapidly closes or folds its leaves after they are touched. A Japanese restaurant where guests are served by employed monkeys. Prevent a witness from testifying about communications with a dead person. A line museum, exhibited outdoors in southern, An area of Antarctica which a) contains the world's. A quantitative death risk equivalent to one in a million. It has been fully restored and planted with native trees and grassland. A type of Vietnamese wine that includes a whole venomous snake in the bottle. "Uniforms consist of helmets, shoulder pads, elbow pads, knee pads, garter belts, bras, and panties." Bubble Gum Incident, Obscene Dog Incident, Bodies in pawn, blah, blah... A ladder in Jerusalem that can't be moved unless the Catholic and Orthodox churches come together. Textile recycling. A branding exercise by a Japanese refrigeration company, which turned into a, well, ... Internet traders meme their way into a battle for Wall Street. A Western term for creating odd appearances of the face. Or "BUGA-UP" for short. If that's not a good enough reason why you shouldn't, I don't know what is. Greek soldier chases his pooch across the Bulgaria border. A Cypriot power station that provides power to a British military base that surrounds it. A form of execution in which a naked man and woman are tied together and drowned. In professional wrestling, the portrayal of events within the industry as real. Mexican eccentric who participated in the presidential elections no less than ten times. I got a fever, and the only prescription... is more cowbell! A straightforwardly-named mountain that has been on fire for over 6000 years. Crossword puzzles: A major danger to national security. Also, a funny word. Not a comic book story arc, but the upheaval in watchmaking caused by the introduction of quartz watches. 1,133 Followers, 643 Following, 902 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from David Berger (@davidbergerberlin) Or do they? Journalists prove a point when their intentionally awful sex novel becomes a bestseller. Possibly the longest final in any Summer Olympic event. A movie about a director who makes a bad movie, but can't remove his name from the credits because his real name is. A nonlethal weapon with an extremely strong odor that may linger on clothes for. Going on vacation to get a different citizenship for the child. First, you'll grant that all ravens are black, yes...? Most people visit the sites in cars and do not need a permit to visit. When a pregnant woman dies, the decomposition of her body can result in a gas build-up that causes the fetus inside her to be expelled. There have been more than 300 limited-edition seasonal and regional flavors of Kit Kats produced in Japan since 2000. A Canadian independent league baseball team that modeled its logo and mascot after. Can I speak to your manager? The waste transfer station began accepting waste on 30 November 2015. Various colors of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (. Yep, seriously. A hallucinogenic ointment said to be used by witches in the. In the United Kingdom, it is cheaper to keep an unwanted railway station than to close it. cardboard boxes are flattened and reduced to a … If you wish to add an article to this list, the article in question should preferably meet one or more of these criteria: This definition is not precise or absolute; some articles could still be considered unusual even if they do not fit these guidelines. A type of German cheese containing live mites, which are eaten along with the cheese. The effect of a picture appearing within itself. "Consider a spherical cow in a vacuum...". The first waste infrastructure on the High Heavens Waste Complex was Nuttings Wood landfill. This helps save even more waste from landfill and also reduces disposal costs. An unusual English legal custom permitting a widow to inherit her deceased husband's land. A disused railway in Belgium which separates five pieces of Germany from the rest of Germany. Recycle household waste. Why recorded music is getting "louder" over time. The only African national bandy team is seated in Sweden. Throwing your phone into the air has never been more fun. A society, originally British, that holds the belief that the Earth is flat, not spherical. 1,277 talking about this. [. Valuable for the mitigation of damage from. A notoriously apathetic defendant, he/she/it has never turned up for one of his/her/its hearings. They happen to live inside the computers of scientists trying to simulate molecules. ⅔/2? An ancient Chinese mechanical compass which took a millennium to reproduce. Makes the phrase "hung like an elephant" take on a whole new meaning. A musical instrument controlled by brainwaves.

Milwaukee Property Tax Self-service, Lost City Adventure Golf Nottingham Discount, Mcdermott Accounts Payable, Ikea Cellular Blinds Cut To Size, Old Maps Of Riddings, Food Waste In America 2019, Victorious Season 3 Episodes, Herman's Head Season 3, Baillie Gifford China Office,