When you're in kindergarten, you can say you want to grow up to be whatever you want. Tags. The games included are Kindergarten/ Kindergarten 2, Fnaf and Animal Crossing because I ran out of ideas. #kindergarten game #Kindergarten 2 #kindergarten 2 au #fanfiction #oneshot #Felix x Lily #felix kindergarten #Felix Huxley #ted huxley #Theodore Huxley #ted kindergarten #lily kindergarten #kindergarten lily #billy kindergarten #kindergarten billy #Fanfic #fan fic #fan fiction #Au Puts fork in socket. games kindergarten game kindergarten 2 kindergarten lily Kindergarten Felix felily felix x lily my art. 38 notes. A bunch of questions about Kindergarten! 31 notes Sep 14th, 2019. 380 notes. Home Read Write Forum. 5/8 Register Login. He and his brother Ted are the heirs to a large sum of money as inheritance and a business led by their parents, though more so to Felix than Ted. "How do you know our names?" We're going to do a full lets play of kindergarten 2. you are Len. bionicware. He has brown hair and unlike the other characters, he has a simple face with a blank expression. 8 months ago Dirty Napkin . wrong. There are many rarepairs and we wish to include them all. When Henry learns that Charles has the same choice powers he does AND Charles regains control of it, they are almost inseparable. Add to library 54 Discussion 301. kindergarten kindergarten 2 kindergarten lily kindergarten game. He also got a visual upgrade in Kindergarten 2, the most notable change being a lower face. Follow. "You have to go Milfeulle…" "No mommy!" Home Read Write Forum. by Shadow the pup. He then walked down the hall, "And it's not just my family, my friends were able to get dates for tonight's dance, surprisingly." Blog about rare couple pairing in Kindergarten 1 & 2. kg-rarepairs. by Shadow the pup. Home Read Write Forum. Kindergarten (The Game) Survey. They seem to be coming up with a plan to save their parent's business, as seen when interacting with them in the schoolyard, and that plan has something to do with Ozzy. Lily and Barney are no exception. I know it's weird that Lily already has a crush outside of her teddy bear, but honestly that doesn't even make the top ten weirdest things I've seen her do." He watches over various classes like Morning Time (in the "Smart Class"), Study Hall, and Science Class. I got board and now I'm wondering about yalls opinions on kindergarten! Please specify if you want a picture or fanfic. this kindergarten is twisted- eyeless beings, dead kids, evil teachers. Banned by Dumblr . 347 notes. Are our favorite characters the same? TWO YEARS AGO I DREW THAT SO NOW I REDREW THIS. 61 notes. DBZ Kindergarten HinaSaku. Follow . because you got to pay him for everything. Recent Top. June 9, 2017 Jax Burlan . Write Your BEST Fanfic EVER In Gwen's 10-Day Fanfiction Writing Academy. Rating 12+ Chapters 8 Reviews 43 Views 425 Chapter Views 46 Print Chapter Report Abuse. Are our favorite characters the same? Possible updates to come. January 18, 2018 Griz . 31 notes. He wears a blue shirt striped with cyan or a lighter shade of blue. Dr. Danner is a teacher in Kindergarten 2. Kindergarten. by Shadow the pup. arquablysalty. 7/8 Register Login. PLEASE USE #Kindergala and #kindergarten 2 One of your characters can ask another person’s character to the gala as long as it’s appropriate and the other creator agrees to it If you want your character to have a job in the gala (let me know first) go ahead whether it’s … Blood Moon. Discover more posts about kindegarten 2. Sep 19, 2019 - victoracekingsley said: *I'm surprised though, hehehe, maybe remove janitor or Stevie so that they couldn't kill ya, maybe fight the bad guy named "The Indicator" a cyborg A.I. His appearance includes these items: Ginger hair (short) glasses. Inseparable — That has to leave a cramp when they wake up. Vegeta panicked. A bunch of questions about Kindergarten! Write Your BEST Fanfic EVER In Gwen's 10-Day Fanfiction Writing Academy. 2. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. (The game). "Welcome Milfeulle and Vegeta!" The other mods can add more if necessary. The twins each grabbed one of Stella's hands and looked up at Puck for the okay to head back to the car. He grabbed Ethan's free hand so that they formed a little train and they headed back to the parking lot. fnaf fnaf security breach fnaf sb fnaf oc fnaf sb oc. #kindergarten 2 #kindergarten game #kindergarten askblog #nugget #abigail #felix huxley #kindergarten buggs #cindy kindergarten #lily kindergarten #billy kindergarten #kellie #NOTE: I HAVE CHANGED THE NAMES FOR BOTH PEGGY AND LILITH #PEGGY IS NOW KELLIE #LILITH IS NOW JOAN #BECAUSE THEIR NAMES SOUNDED TOO SIMILAR TO CANON CHARACTERS Lily/Nugget (Kindergarten Video Games) (6) Alice/Ron (Kindergarten Video Games) (4) Jerome/Monty (Kindergarten Video Games) (3) Madison/Ozzy (Kindergarten Video Games) (3) Carla/Penny (Kindergarten Video Games) (3) Cindy/Felix Huxley (2) Felix Huxley & Theodore "Ted" Huxley & Protagonist (2) Billy/Nugget (Kindergarten Video Games) (1) Cindy/Penny (Kindergarten Video Games) … :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: Au: Kindergarten 2: Friends: Ted,ozzy,lily,billy,Ron,nugget: Hate: Felix,buggs: Age in kindergarten: 5: Likes: Gameing,playing The Protagonist (Real name: Unknown) is the protagonist and playable characters of the Kindergarten series. Log in Sign up. I got board and now I'm wondering about yalls opinions on kindergarten! Register Login. Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; Us rn with that hand . Nugget and Buggs have an antagonistic relationship, and every day at lunchtime, Buggs throws slop at Nugget's head. Enroll FREE Now! Add to library 2 Discussion 2. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship - Barney S., Lily A. 1K Favourites. Rarepair Ships! . Wizards In Kindergarten. Not a kid!fic . June 9, 2017 Jax Burlan . =0.0= SPOILER ALERT: for Kindergarten 1&2. This Indie game is so freaking Funny xD and dark (? Interestingly enough, in Buggs's route, Nugget unknowingly helps him by giving the Principal's Device to the protagonist. 16 notes. He’s an alien Husky and I love him . Posts; Submit a post; Archive; WELCOME TO KG RAREPAIRS WE SHIP NON-EXISTENT SHIPS. See a recent post on Tumblr from @arquablysalty about kindegarten 2. None of the pictures are mine except the ones that say insert picture here because I'm definitely talented. Add to library 54 Discussion 302. =0.0= SPOILER ALERT: for Kindergarten 1&2. Chapter Text "Mommy, I don't wanna go to kindergarten!" Chapter 2. January 18, 2018 Griz . #kindergarden game #kindergarden 2 #kanny arts #monty #monty kindergarden #artists on tumblr #fanart #artwork #indie game #kindergarden. Felix Huxley is the "businessman" figure of the other students. Blog about rare couple pairing in Kindergarten 1 & 2. Enroll FREE Now! Milfeulle was hugging on her mother's dress. void lily kindergarten kindergarten 2 kindergarten lily kindergarten game. Wizards In Kindergarten. Possible updates to come. Add to library 6 Discussion 12. Losing sight (eyes AU fanfic) Author *×♡ K O M E R N I ♤×* 21. said Miss Jane smiling. Follow. ——————— BILLY’S POV ——————— “I’ll go this way with Lily, and you can go that way with Nugget!” Was what he last said. buggs the_kid cindy duncan fanart fanartdigital jerome kindergarten lilly monty myart myartwork indiegame indie_game indiegamefanart kindergartenkid kindergartengame nuggetfanart. 158 notes. 21. WARNING, BODY HORROR! I'll start the Lily ships right now- #kindergarden game #kindergarten au #kindergarten game #kindergarten 2 #kindergarten lilix #kindergarten lilex #lily kindergarten #felix kindergarten #kindergarten fanart #kindergarten fanfic #kindergarten billy #kindergarten #kindergarten theodore #kindergarten the game #kindergarten ted #digital fanart #fan art #fanart A female that goes to a kindergarten like everyone else, right? That’s all for now. If not then we will pick which we do. Harry Potter just joined kindergarten and his teacher is the most gorgeous thing James Potter has ever set eyes on. he is pretty much your way of buying items and getting money without apples. (Gunshot heard from room) Simply by the Talisman Run. He only allows students he thinks are smarter than the rest into his class during Morning Time. #kindergarden game #kindergarden 2 #dr danner #fan art #doodle #aless does art. (The game). Open in app; Facebook; Tweet; Reddit; Mail; Embed; Permalink ; Is now a good time to post my fnaf Glamrock oc, Neo? Kindergarten Kids. Vegeta dragged Milfeulle from their mother's dress. Add to library 6 Discussion 12. Register Login. Search Home Read Write Forum Login Register. Summary: Muggle AU James and Lily died in a car crash and left Harry, except Sirius wasn't in prison and got custody of him. Kindergarten (The Game) Survey. Does Monty Like You? Kindergarten: NPC; Major Character. x-heesy. Lily and Ethan were in Kindergarten now (which caused an ache in Puck's heart) and Stella wasn't too far behind… but far enough. 2. this is a FANFIC, and permission was given by Len, herself, to make this story.. . LIST OF MODS: Mod Oumie : @kindergarten-on-repeat; Mod Creek : @miracle-kitten Rarepair Ships! Home Read Write Forum. Killed by Nugget's friend. "Come on you pathetic excuse for a sister!" Kindergarten 2. fnaf fnaf security breach spoilers fnaf sb spoilers fnaf sb fnaf security breach. Search Home Read Write Forum Login Register. My sweet boy Nugget is back in Kindergarten 2. Don’t repeatedly ask for the same ship either. He is one of the few, or only, kindergartners known to read, and is rather stingy with his cash. teacher!lily singledad!james muggle au. Hit by a car if you pour the Bucket Of Blood on her instead of Lily. 17K Views. Delay - Mini Kindergarten 2 Fanfic by Colorinoutsidethebox Fandoms: Kindergarten (Video Games 2017 2019) General Audiences; No Archive Warnings Apply; Gen; Complete Work ; 05 Feb 2021. 103 Comments. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. No Archive Warnings Apply; Lily (Kindergarten Video Games) Nugget (Kindergarten Video Games) Billy (Kindergarten Video Games) Protagonist (Kindergarten Video Games) Summary. By KarlaDraws14 Watch. Monty is one of the 12 characters from kindergarten. Nugget attempts to get the protagonist to kill Buggs in his route and the teacher's route. Killed by the Principal if you bring the Voice Recorder to the Principal's office when you and Cindy are sent there. KINDERGARTEN EXPERIMENTS - A ONESHOT FANFIC.
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