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leicester city council business grants

Grants for voluntary and community sector organisations for the benefit of local communities. Information will be updated as more details are received. Leicester City have received £3.5m from the government for an additional discretionary grant fund to widen support for small and micro businesses and charities. Community grants . You can contact Andy Pringle by e-mail at The one-off £1,000 Christmas grant for ‘wet-led' pubs has now closed. We are a small but friendly team and always pleased to hear from anyone who shares our desire to help new businesses succeed. If you were eligible to apply in the first round, you will not be able to apply in this round. Local enterprise partnerships are partnerships between local authorities and businesses.They decide what the priorities should be for investment in roads, buildings and facilities in the area. BUSINESSES and charities are being invited to apply for a share of a new pot of Government money aimed at helping those whose trade has been badly hit by the coronavirus lockdown. Some businesses may be eligible to apply for grants from more than one scheme. We are delighted to promote suitable businesses and organisations completely FREE of charge. Grants and other financial support is available for businesses that have been impacted by COVID-19: Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) You can apply for this grant if your business has a business rates account and has been required to close by government due to local or national COVID-19 restrictions. If your business has made a successful application for the Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) funding for the national lockdown period 5 November 2020 to 1 December 2020, or 5 January 2021 to 15 February 2021 then you do not need to apply for the LRSG for the extension to the current lockdown from 16 February. Latest grants schemes to help businesses affected by restrictions. Leicester City Council. Navigate your way to find grants or funding available to businesses in the UK. Need some help? These businesses should apply for the local restrictions support grant (closed businesses) for a grant to cover the national lockdown from 5 November to 2 December. Business Support Package for January Lockdown Our dedicated Business Support Team are here to offer advice and support to business owners through the Covid pandemic and beyond.. In total, 42 buses that provide services in Leicester will be adapted to make them cleaner to run, as part of the city’s efforts to cut air pollution. It helps you locate government-backed support and finance for business, including: grants, finance and loans, business support eg mentoring, consultancy, funding for small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups. They can provide low interest loans of up to £4,000 for a sole trader and £5000 for a partnership - some people may be eligiblefor business grants too. The Business Gateway Growth Hub offers a signposting service for business funding and support, including information on local and national grants, loans programmes and raising finance.. East Leicestershire LEADER programme. Grants … Anyone can apply – even if they received funding during the first lockdown last year. This grant runs from the introduction of local socialisation restrictions on 1 August 2020 through to 4 November 2020. The data published show Covid-19 business support grants paid to eligible businesses and charities by Leicester City Council.In response to Covid-19 the government announced grant support for businesses and charities, to be paid by councils. Applications are usually not required, as they will be paid automatically to businesses that have applied for and received one or more of the grants above. LEICESTER City Council has been awarded £1million for a new scheme aimed at tacking fuel poverty with grants for energy efficient and low carbon heating. New innovative technology products or services that improve performance ; Premises improvement or expansion related business development, new product or services; Upgrading capital equipment to enable a more technical or automotive approach, flexible … We are administering grants on behalf of the government to support businesses. Discretionary Business Grant application process opens. Grants of £2,100 per 28-day period. The quickest way to find out more and apply for the grants is via our business grants page. You can customise your search by location, size and activity. Local womblers do a fantastic job keeping our county clean and tidy we are committed to helping the continue to their work. Details are still emerging around financial assistants/grants to support businesses that are affected by the Tier 3/VERY HIGH Local Lockdown Restrictions, and we will provide updated information as soon as possible. These will not be interest rates or repayment schedules but are far more likely to be related to what type of business you are starting, where you are going to be located and whether you are going to create any new jobs. Local Restriction Support Grant Closed (Addendum) The Government have announced that funding will be made for those business rated premises which have been mandated to close. Business Grants Leicester City Council. The grants will be up to £6,000 for non-essential retail businesses and up to £18,000 for hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym businesses. Pro-rata for Leicester 96 days = £6,600. Grants from £2,000 up to £25,000 are available providing 35% towards the cost of capital projects. The detailed list of eligible businesses is shown in our policy and the FAQs. Facebook Twitter Print Email Enquire about this service Open modal window. Please see our website for further details. GRANTfinder is a grants and policy database and includes details in excess of 8,000 funding opportunities. Fosse Energy . Leicester City Council Business Category. LRSG for closed businesses will be paid fortnightly to eligible businesses automatically by Leicester City Council for the period they are able to be claimed. Leicester City Council: Additional business grant – Leicester lockdown The City Council has received £2.6m from the government for a discretionary grant to support small and micro businesses in Leicester that have experienced an enforced period of closure and lower trade since the extended local lockdown on 30 June 2020. So far 39 local enterprise partnerships have been created. Start Up Donut website contains a comprehensive briefing which will give you a good idea of whether your start-up business is likely to be eligible for a grant - and whether such a grant is worth the effort involved in applying. Your Local Authority has a vested interest inencouraging new businesses to be formed in the area. Add Community Support Grant to shortlist This page was last updated on 23 October 2020. We're proud to be the local authority serving everyone living and working in Leicester, East Midlands. The government have recently advised us of the grants for the 44 days covering 16 February to 31 March 2021. For further information please see our sector business support grants policy attached below. In the national budget on 3 March, the Chancellor announced a new restart grants scheme from 1 April, replacing the current mandatory national lockdown grants. £9,000 for businesses with a rateable value of over £51,000. Support grants are available for businesses which are affected by local restrictions or national lockdown. Charnwood Borough Council has opened applications for the Additional Restriction Grant, which is available to businesses that have been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Leave feedback Open modal window. The grants are the latest in a series of financial help packages for businesses which are being coordinated through Leicester City Council. This page was last updated on 23 October 2020. Eligible businesses occupying properties with a rateable value of £51,000 and above. Support for community litter picking . Look here for the full list and map of local enterprise partnerships. We understand that government officials are working through the details and will issue guidance to councils later in March. Since 23 October 2020, the Government has put in place a range of Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG) to support businesses required to close during local and national lockdowns. Green BELLE gives grants of up to £7,000 to support SMEs in Leicester and Leicestershire to install low carbon measures and increase their energy efficiency. The Walking & Cycling Team supports city businesses, who recognise the health, environmental and financial benefits of encouraging their staff to make commute and in-work journeys by active and sustainable transport, by offering a number of free initiatives. Eligible businesses occupying properties with a rateable value of £51,000 and above: grants of £2,100 per 28-day period. Leicester City Council has £3.5million to make non-repayable grants available to businesses and charities who are struggling to survive the current conditions. Birmingham Council urges businesses to wait for Covid grant updates Birmingham City Council has struggled to deal with 11,000 applications from desperate businesses across the city birminghammail Payments will be automatic and will start to be made from 1 March, as follows: For further information see our open and closed business support grants policies attached below. Financial support for your business. We understand that government officials are working through the details and will issue guidance to councils later in March. Our FREE downloadable guides are packed with the information that you need to start and grow a your business. This includes, but is not limited to, follow up evaluation surveys relating to the business support grant schemes. Your Local Enterprise Agency. Please note that BEIS (the Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) will be given access to the relevant data in your application. 264 talking about this. Leicester City Council has received £3.5million from the Government’s Discretionary Business Grants scheme, to make non-repayable grants available to some businesses and charities who are struggling to survive the current conditions due to loss of income and fixed property costs. andy@syob.net, Find out more information on our partner opportunities. Any remaining applications must be made by 28 February 2021. You can find details of you local councils by using this Govenment search tool. Coronavirus business support grant funding, Support for businesses that were required to close under the national lockdown restrictions, Support for businesses that were open but affected by local restrictions from 1 August to 4 November, Open business grants policy (March 2021) [pdf - 6.13 Mb], Closed business grants policy (March 2021) [pdf - 5.25 Mb], Sector business grants policy (March 2021) [pdf - 4.05 Mb], Local restrictions support grant (open businesses), Local restrictions support grant (for businesses closed due to the four week national lockdown), local restrictions support grant (closed businesses), Business active and sustainable travel grant, Find out about grants available on the LLEP Business Gateway website, Rateable value of £15,000 or less: a grant of £2,096, Rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000: a grant of £3,143, Rateable value of £51,000 or above: a grant of £4,714, £4,000 for businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under, £6,000 for businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000. Further to receiving details on funding last week from Government, together with updated guidance, we emailed those businesses on Thursday (25 February) that had already received the first grant payment for the third lockdown (5 Jan onwards) in order to establish that criteria continued to be met. To request a paper application form, or for general business support and advice, email the city council’s Business Support team at business.support@lancaster.gov.uk, or call Customer Services on 01524 582000 to arrange a call back. Not only is it good for the economy generally, you may be creating new jobs, and/oroccupying commercial property which will generate more income for them.Local Authority grants tend to be quite modest and often about £250-£500. See the full Government guidance. Call us on 0116 366 8487 or ‘Submit an Enquiry’ using the link below. Eligible businesses closed or affected by the tier 3 restrictions from 2 December 2020, and the tier 4 and national restrictions from 31 December 2020 are entitled to grants every 14 days. Leicester City Council received £3.5million from the Government’s Discretionary Business Grants scheme, which was launched earlier this month, to enable non-repayable grants to be paid to some businesses and charities which are struggling to survive the current conditions due to loss of income and fixed property costs. Their local help finder will point you in the direction of an agency near you who may well be able to tell you whatgrants are available in the area. This business growth grant has been created to support the growth and development of existing small and medium-sized businesses. Find out about business continuity planning and emergency management. Discuss your needs with one of our team to determine your next steps. However, as a grant does not need to be paid back, it is well worth spending a little bit of time to find out whether there is anything that you can claim.

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