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He told them, “To tell you the truth, I didn’t ignore the telegrams because I didn’t like the price. Shabbat, like many important facets of Judaism, has its origins in the Torah, where it is most notable as a day of complete cessation of labor. He was going around, searching for a good opportunity, when he realized that Shabbos was only one hour away. It was a little manual on how to do circumcisions, how to make a bris. Now, open your hearts. Suddenly the boy remembered; ‘I don’t even know how to make a bris.’ Gevalt, gevalt, the heilige Sfas Emes gave him a book on how to do it. All Friday she was waiting for a miracle, but you know, miracles don’t always happen. First of all, let me have the privilege of paying you 150,000 marks, because you deserve it. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. We have to first give Shabbos to someone who doesn’t have it. While there is no one magic formula, I think great picture books that engage children will include; 1. Because of you, two precious souls had a blissful Shabbos. So I just wanted to test you to see if you really eat kosher and if you really keep Shabbos. We offer you 10,000 marks for so and so much copper. Then there is Oneg Shbabbos – the bliss of Shabbos. A Child's Garden of Torah Read-Aloud Bible is the perfect way to bring Torah stories to young children. They said, “G-d Forbid, did something happen to the soup that the Rebbe doesn’t want to eat it?” The Rebbetzin smiled. For him Shabbos was everything. Your IP: How can I collect 500 rubles only minutes before Shabbos!”. On Shabbat, families take a break and spend time together and with community. How is this guy going to make a living? A Shabbat Story: Read-Aloud Edition, The Cricket and the Ant, Shahar Kober, Naomi Ben-Gur, Kar-Ben Publishing. Listening to others read develops key understanding and skills, such as an appreciation for how a story is written and familiarity with book conventions, such as "once upon a time" and "happily ever after" (Bredekamp et al., 2000). The whole marketplace was resounding with Chatskele carrying the apples and onions to all the Jewish homes and singing, Lekoved Shabbos… For the sake of Shabbos. They don’t shine their shoes, they don’t take care of their rifles. But yet I remembered that when Eliezer was in search of a wife for our holy Forefather Yitzchak, he made himself a sign. Gittel and the Giggle Latkes. Reflect on the week that has been. See Shulchan Aruch 307. Suddenly he heard Cossacks coming. The Torah is divided into 53 parts (sometimes calculated as 54). The Ten Wedding Gifts. But it’s already Shabbos, so I’m begging You, Master of the World, please You, You Master of the World, rekindle my light, rekindle my Shabbosdike Licht.”, The Viledniker Rebbe said to the woman, “I swear to you, I saw a hand coming down from Heaven and kindling the lights of Shabbos.” At the beginning of the 20th century, there was a war between Russia and Japan. When will we all go back to Yerushalayim the Holy City? So, I’m ordering you to eat treif food.”, The boy answers says, “I’m sorry, I’m a servant of GYd, not of the Russian Czar.” The general walks up and down the room and then he comes up to him again and says, “I heard you keep Shabbos.” He answers, “Yes.” He says, “You are crazy! That's awesome. The holy Kshanover said, “Chatskele Lekoved Shabbos, tell me; when you carry something and you sing “Lekoved Shabbos” what are you thinking about?” Chatzkele began to cry. But now that I see that you do, I’ll tell you what I’ll do for you. I bless you children, you should always stand next to your mother when your holy mothers kindle lights. “How about a house? He thought, “What am I wasting my life with? A highlight of the Shabbat morning service is when the Torah scroll is removed from the Holy Ark and read aloud. A Shabbat Story: Read-Aloud Edition, The Cricket and the Ant, Naomi Ben-Gur, SHAHAR KOBER, Kar-Ben Publishing. The Sultan’s Trap. I was so little, but yet I knew; the only one who prayed more than my mother, was the High Priest on Yom Kippur in the Holy of Holiest. By Menachem Posner. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. He saw a big commotion in Heaven and the Heavenly court said to him, “You always make trouble for us. Show all. Shabbat History and Development. Captivating illustrations: It is no surprise that the pictures inform your child’s first impression of a book, so choosing books with wonderful or unique illustrations that capture the imagination is a great place to start. I went to so many Rebbes, but they were not part of my heart. He blessed everyone that a miracle should happen, and they should not have to go to the war. But there is one thing I would like to bless you with. I sing Lekoved Shabbos, let it be soon. When she was nine years old, she was a dishwasher in the house of Rebbe Elimelech.”, “Oh, this is unbelievable!” he says “Would it be possible to see her?” The Chassidim say, “Gevalt, for the grandson of the Holy Sanzer Rebbe, everything’s possible.”, Rebbe Shlomele said to her, “My dear Bubbe, my dear sweetest lady, forgive me for bringing you here, but I want so much to hear about Rebbe Elimelech. Not really physically, but, somehow, he looked like he was 10 feet taller, he was shining, he was just not in this world, you could see the Divine Presence upon him. If say on Sunday, Chanah would buy ten pounds of potatoes, she would say, “Hey Chatskele, could you carry the potatoes for me?” Chatskele would pick up the ten pounds of potatoes, and he would say to Chanah, “Forgive me for asking, but do you think that there will be some potatoes left lekoved Shabbos?” She would say, maybe only to do Chatskele a favor, “Ten pounds of potatoes is a lot of potatoes, I’m sure there will be some left for Shabbos.” Chatskele would begin to glow. When will G-d rebuild again, the Holy Temple? But GYd didn’t bless us yet with children, and a house without children is more destroyed than the Holy Temple. The story went all the way to the German Kaiser, who asked my great great uncle to come before him. Saturday by Oge Mora - Read Aloud - YouTube. The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Daytime Emmy nominated, Storyline Online, features celebrated actors including Viola Davis, Kristen Bell, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Wanda Sykes, Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones, Betty White and more reading children’s books to inspire a love … I bless you; may the light of Shabbos, the light of Heaven, shine into you forever.” He jumped back into his carriage and drove off. Tell me anything, even one word, about one moment of his life.” She began smiling to herself and she said, “You know, there was one thing which I could never forget. Friends, I want you to know Shabbos is the greatest gift. Rebbe Bershele wrote: This will be my sign. Suddenly a general comes to look at the basic training, at the new soldiers, and the officer tells him. And now your wife is following in your footsteps. Tell me anything.”, She said, “You know, I’m an old woman, my memory is not so good anymore, I don’t really remember so much.”, Rebbe Shlomele says, “I can’t believe it; Rebbe Elimelech, the Holy of Holiest. A few days later, the rabbi prepared another meal for the king. One day the holy Viledniker was told that the wife of one of his Chassidim had moved back to her parents. But since he didn’t answer because it was Shabbos, the next telegram said, “We offer you 20,000 marks.” By the end of the Shabbos, the German government was so desperate they offered him 150,000. I’m not religious, but one thing I know: A mohel has to keep Shabbos and eat kosher food. Bentching licht, kindling the Holy Lights before Shabbos, fixes the whole week. Every day of Sukkot we say Hallel, a collection of psalms of praise (Psalms 113-118) as part of the morning prayer service. “Two pennies? So today we are going to read. Rabbi Chaim of Tshernovitz said, “Chatskele Dovid, I don’t even have to bless you that you should become wealthier than you ever dreamed of, because it’s obvious that you will. But this is what everyone does…. He thinks I’m G-d!”, Jewish Outlook 2014 © All rights reserved, Videos of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach Teaching. We decided to give it to you. Text will be read in in opened overlay window. I could never forget Chatskele; I was still looking for him. Chatskele Dovid heard all this and said, “Please give her my 500 rubles. 19. But then he walked up to his Holy Rebbetzin, because everybody knows that on Friday before Shabbos Adam and Eve have to fix everything that happened between them on the first Friday concerning the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. However, Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 31:24 writes that a newspaper printed on Shabbat is permissible to read. So this is the story: At the end of the First World War, when Russia lost the war and needed a scapegoat, they said, “Why did we lose the war with Germany? I read this in stages to my daughter, who has not been raised with any faith (we also have a children's bible and children's qur'an). The heilige Rebbe Elimelech would say again to his children, “My sweetest, holiest children, you are the greatest gifts G-d gave me, forgive me, forgive me. Chanukah. Hope you enjoy.... :) After the prayers were over everyone said good Shabbos to the Rebbe. But his day was Friday. Home: Short: Medium: Long: All: By Author: By Narrator: By Category: By Reading Level: Other Languages : Search ***** 1129: Children's: Books: Read: Aloud ***** Tweet. Kids of a certain age, you're probably reading some stories that are staples over and over and over again and that's fine. If you weren’t in the kitchen of Rebbe Elimelech before Shabbos, you have never seen Yom Kippur. This was his story: Chatskele Dovid was very poor. So because of the Jews, we lost the war.”. There is no wall between them and all of Israel. One day after Rebbe Shloymele Kshanover left Ashbitsine, Chatskele disappeared. 5. As one of the terrorists from Gaza was reported to say when asked why they couldn’t aim their rockets more effectively: ‘We do aim them, but their God changes their path in mid-air. I’m very strong so I am a porter. It was on a Shabbat and R' Yehudah served him cold foods. He is up all night in the synagogue, reciting the Psalms and praying that you should come back to him, because he loves you so much. But above all, I would like to make you a Barron.”. Audio Stories. Shine the light of Shabbos, the light of Heaven into his heart for just one hour. On Shabbos we receive the Torah again. In Vilednik, 150 years ago, the Holy Viledniker Rebbe lived. The father is upset. But come Saturday evening, Shabbat is over. She pleaded, “Please G-d, don’t let me have the Shabbos without candles.”, At that moment the wealthy playboy passed by in his carriage, pulled by eight horses. Read: What to Expect at Shabbat Morning Services. He says, “I’m sorry, I’m a servant of GYd.” The general was holding the pistol against his heart. Including Rabbi Moshe Isserles (1520-1571), Responsa 119; Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), Shulchan Aruch 340:4. She quickly bought the candles, and kindled the Great Shabbos Light, and that light is still shining. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec … The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Daytime Emmy nominated, Storyline Online, features celebrated actors including Viola Davis, Kristen Bell, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Wanda Sykes, Kevin Costner, James Earl Jones, Betty White and more reading children’s books to inspire a love of reading … It is an essential and effective strategy for delivering sophisticated literacy ideas to learners and consumers of language. You know what he did with Chatskele Lekoved Shabbos? Finally he had 500 rubles in his hand, and he went to Tshernovitz to look for a business to buy. She said to him, “You’ll never know how much you did for me. That night he was sitting next to the Rebbe, and he told the Rebbe the story about the Cossack. Kids love to solve mysteries and this game is very exciting. But he’s not afraid; he places himself in the middle of the way. Listen as stories come alive as they are read to you by master storytellers! I would have sold it to you for 10,000 marks. Master of the World, Master of the World, Master of the World, how can I have Shabbos without my Shabbosdike licht [light of Shabbos]? The holy Rebbe Bershele of Ashbitsine wrote a book 180 years ago and in the foreword he wrote this story: When I was seventeen years old, I was desperate to have a Rebbe. He went to the house of Rabbi Chaim of Tshernovitz, told him his story, and asked him to guard the money until after Shabbos. I asked several old Jews from Tshernovitz about it, and they said that they remember praying in Chatskele Dovid’s Synagogue. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. I know we built the Holy Temple in Yerushalayim [Jerusalem]. On the contrary, I love him so much. A Jew cannot exist a second without Shabbos. A highlight of the Shabbat morning service is when the Torah scroll is removed from the Holy Ark and read aloud. L. Laminack and B. Wadsoworth, Learning . The Shabbos was burning in his heart. “I’ll tell you the truth, I’m not so proud of all the other soldiers, but there is one Jew here. Together with all the Synagogues of Europe, it was burned during the Second World War, and is waiting for Mashiach. In the introduction to his Shabbos siddur [prayer book], they wrote this story. for returning to old favorites. So the Rebbe won’t eat it.” I bless you friends that not only your food should be Lekoved Shabbos. How then has the Jewish practice of Shabbat carried over into Christian traditions? When our Holy Mothers kindle lights and our Holy Sisters kindle lights, at that one moment, there’s no wall between them and GYd. Here are wonderfully retold versions of twenty-five classic Torah stories from the creation of the world to the death of Moses. This is what she said, “Master of the World, Tatte Zeese, Heilege Tatte [Sweet Father, Holy Father], I’m so sick. The wedding of her daughter was supposed to take place this coming Saturday night and she needed to pay 500 rubles for the wedding. Here are five short stories caregivers can read aloud to their loved ones. The first thing they did with the money they made was to print the holy books of Rabbi Chaim of Tshernovitz. What a moment…. He had died a month previously, and his wife only then realized that he not only did not have a lot of money, but he actually owed a lot of money to other people. Forgive me if I hurt your feelings, forgive me if I didn’t take care of you the way G-d wants me to take care of you.” He asked every one of his children, with so many tears, with so much love for the children. Prepare to greet Shabbat. The praying and dancing of Rebbe Shloymele Kshanover was so beautiful, it was so holy… This one Shabbos could make a Jew out of you forever. I am still young, I can save again.” Rabbi Chaim of Tshernovitz argued with him, but irrespective of that, Chatskele Dovid took the money and gave it to the widow. Sadly enough, many young Jewish people were drafted. There were no more candles. Hundreds of people came every Shabbos, so there was a big staff in the kitchen. You are driving car? We decided to give it to you. Shabbos is the sweetest thing in the world. Gevalt, gevalt there was no Yom Kippur in the world which could compare to the way Rebbe Elimelech asked his children for forgiveness. The Roman king was satisfied with both meals, but he had liked the Shabbat … Children's Books Read Aloud - no clutter, no games, no pseudo-tv. Only two people were left. Nishmat Avraham second edition p. 576 quotes Rav Shlomo Zalman that a fax that came in on Shabbat is nolad on Shabbat but a newspaper made on Shabbat … Who else would become one of the thirty six Holy Hidden People but Chatskele Lekoved Shabbos? Every one of Chatskele Dovid’s grandchildren survived the Holocaust and went to America. Levush Mordechai 340:4. When he arrived in Lizhensk, he asked, “Is there anybody still alive who saw the holy Rebbe, Rebbe Elimelech?” And they told him, “Yes, there is an old woman here, she is 99 years old. So in all those little shtetlach where the peasants were angry that they lost the war, they had a little custom; every Friday afternoon they would hang up ten Jews and say, “These are the ten spies.” The Holy Amshinover Rebbe, the heilige Amshinover, sent messengers all over the area to redeem those people, because the police, for a hundred rubles, would let a Jew go. Read Aloud Day without reading A PJ Library book. You know, when we pray we think about our business, but when the Rebbe of Lublin was praying, his soul really went to Heaven. Read the story aloud to the students. Welcome to the original read aloud channel for children! I can’t even pray. You always bless the most unworthy people. He would stand by the door of the kitchen and this is what he would say, “My precious children, my sweetest friends, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, I hurt your feelings It is such a privilege to know them. Beloved by Kids, Educators & Authors, we have the largest online library of children's books. When you eat fish, you say lekoved Shabbos. Yiddish is German, so all the Jews are German spies, and they gave over all the secrets of Russia to Germany. You can use our new Facebook application to spread the message to your friends on facebook. One Friday night, The Holy Nadverner refused to eat the soup. Every day aside for Shabbat, we recite Hallel while holding the Four Kinds, waving them in all directions at certain key points in the service, which are outlined in the siddur (prayerbook).. I don’t have to tell you, friends, the way Cossacks drive their horses – at a crazy pace. The Sfas Emes said to him, “Wait a minute.” The Rebbe went into his room, and came back with a book. Here is another fun mystery game! Shabbat is a time with no television, no rushing to the demands of the telephone or a busy work schedule. The playboy was driving along when he suddenly felt a very holy and exalted feeling. First, read aloud Genesis 1:31-2:3 from the Torah; Lift the cup of wine and bless it. Each story concludes with a series of listening and imagining questions, to help reflect on each story and ensure the facts and meanings are understood. She said, “I’m sorry I didn’t come before, but I couldn’t because I was too embarrassed.”, Rabbi Chaim of Tshernovitz said, “Oy! The Rebbe said to him, “Here, learn how to make a bris, and I bless you, even when you go to the army, you should come back beshalom [peacefully], and with joy.” The boy began crying, and said, “Rebbe, please bless me that I shouldn’t have to go to the war.” But the Sfas Emes was already talking to somebody else. It’s a little bit like Sukkot and Simchas Torah, and also like Shavuos. An erev Shabbat (Friday evening) ritual that is both simple and beautiful is to light candles to “usher in” the Sabbath and set it apart from the weekday world. Do you know what an assimilated Jew is? For the sake of Shabbos, let it be today. Collection of favorite quality children's books read aloud for kids as young as preschool and up to early elementary years. Saturday is a story of a mother and daughter who LOVE Saturdays because it's the one day they get to spend the whole day together. Shabbat is portrayed in the Bible as the pinnacle of the ... song, and story as a day of joy, a sanctuary from travails, and even a foretaste of the perfected world that will someday be attained. He was once in Tshernovitz for Shabbos, and the Shabbos afterwards, when he came into his usual Synagogue, the people could hardly recognize him. Because if I want to have the bliss of Shabbos, I have to first give Shabbos to someone who doesn’t have it. He is very clean and he looks very well kept.” So he is introduced to the general. Rebbe Shloymele Kshanover said, “Chatskele Lekoved Shabbos, if every Jew would know that everything that happens to us is only lekoved Shabbos, for the sake of Shabbos, The Great Shabbos would be so near.”. You must remember. He hadn’t died of starvation, but he wasn’t really living either. The general says, “I want to talk to you in private.” He takes him to his office, takes a pistol in his hand and says, “Is it true that you only eat Kosher food?” The young soldier says, “Yes.”, He holds the pistol to his heart and he says, “Hey, you are a soldier of the Czar of Russia, and the Czar doesn’t want you to be hungry, the Czar wants you to eat all the food you can get your hands on. Suddenly Rebbe Shloymele Kshanover turned around and motioned to both of us. When the Tzedukim read in the Torah, “You shall not burn any fire in all your homes on the Shabbat day” (Exodus 35:3), they understood the verse literally—and spent the entire Shabbat in the cold and dark. He was already late for an important appointment, but he still had a very good heart. Shabbat Shuvah or Shabbat T'shuvah ("Sabbath [of] Return" שבת שובה or "Sabbath [of] Repentance" שבת תשובה) refers to the Shabbat that occurs during the Ten Days of Repentance, but is between (i.e. But after he came out of the kitchen, the heilege Reb Elimelech would go into his dining room, and there was the Rebbetzen and the children. They also won’t have enough to live on. So what makes a great read aloud story? Sadly enough, so many marriages break up, so many hearts are broken, so many windows are just knocked out. What a moment… what a moment…. This is a great tool for critical thinking, finding inferences, and team building skills. Tell me who are you?” Chatskele said, while the Rebbe was still holding his hand, “I grew up on the street. He would ask on Monday, and on Tuesday, but on Wednesday he wouldn’t even ask because from Wednesday on whatever you do is for Shabbos. Then she said, “Rebbe Shlomele, do you think you know what Yom Kippur is? She said, “I know what happened. Why do we have to invite guests for Shabbos? I want to bless you that your life should be lekoved Shabbos. He held on so tightly to the hand of the Rebbe and said, “Holy Rebbe, I know the beginning, but I don’t know the end. What was meant to be a quick visit to the emergency room turned into a hospital admission over Shabbat, with no advance warning. So one Friday she was crying so much, and I guess she bent over the candles, and her tears fell on the candles. This is. This blessing can be found at: G-d entrusted to our Holy Mothers, to our Holy Sisters, to kindle the light of Shabbos. I was waiting for Chatskele, and Chatskele, nebuch, was so accustomed to abuse that he thought that most probably the Rebbe wouldn’t even shake his hand. This listening library is available all day every day (and all night!) We can save 500 rubles, and buy a business. So Rebbe Elimelech would walk up to his Rebbetzin and he would ask for her forgiveness. Then one day, many years later, I came to a far away shteitele [town], and I could hear the heavenly music, music from Paradise; “Lekoved Shabbos… Lekoved Shabbos.” I looked at Chatskele and suddenly it was clear to me: Rebbe Shloymele Kshanover came to Ashbitsine, he took me as his disciple, and I was privileged to become a Rebbe. Shabbat (3) Sukkot (3) Childhood; Children (3) Yom Kippur (3) Abraham (3) Bitachon (3) Shofar (3) Mezuzah (3) Comics. On Shabbos morning he received a telegram. Hopefully, you and I know the truth: When you really want to do something, the whole world respects you. You know, a Jew does not forget for one second about Yerushalayim and a Jew doesn’t forget about Shabbos. He built a Synagogue for Rabbi Chaim of Tshernovitz and called it Chatskele Dovid’s Synagogue. Parshah: Another Portion of the Torah Is Read Every Shabbat. • Enough so that because of Shabbos you’re not afraid of Cossacks?” And then he said, “If Shabbos means that much to you, let me have the privilege of driving you back for free.”, So he arrived in Amshinov. One morning, one morning she woke up and she said “Yisrolekle mien tier kind [Yisrolekle, my precious son], please bring me a Prayer-book. But this is what I want to share with you: The story went all the way to the German Kaiser, who asked my great great uncle to come before him. My wife just had a baby and I need a mohel to do the bris. Maybe I didn’t treat you with enough respect, maybe I did something wrong to you, I’m begging you to forgive me. 2. You know friends, those Rebbes, what eyes they have, what hearts they have. There was one man, so eidel [gentle], so holy; really, he was not fit to be a soldier. Shabbat Shuvah. What will I do now? The father says, “How do you intend to make a living?” “G-d will provide,” answers the young man. Lekoved Shabbos….” The tears of Chatskele and the tears of the holy Rebbe were flowing. So on Friday a few minutes before Shabbos the Heilege Reb Elimelech, the Holy of Holiest, the Sweetest of the Sweet, would come into the kitchen. But I would like to ask you one favor. I know of the Twelve Tribes. This song, composed in the 16th century, is the pinnacle moment of Kabbalat Shabbat. One Friday afternoon, the holy wife of the Seer of Lublin didn’t have enough money to buy two candles for the Holy Shabbos. Audio. To taste Shabbos is so special. A Rebbe is not someone who gives you information, but someone who connects you to the deepest depths of your heart, to the deepest, highest place in Heaven. The holy Kshanover held out his holy hand, and Chatskele reluctantly, bashfully, gave him his hand. Unfortunately, the truck that came to take us back to civilization arrived twenty-five minutes before Shabbat began. The family in the story, a young girl joined by her Mama, Ima, Savta, and Saba, gathers together to perform the rituals of Havdalah, marking the end of Shabbat and the return to the work week. Books read on Shabbat must be compatible with the sacred atmosphere of the day as specified in the Code of Jewish Law.5. And they asked him for his blessing. Another story from the Midrash: R' Yehudah HaNassi (Rabbi Judah the Prince) prepared a meal for the Roman King Antonius. Isn’t Shabbos, as the Talmud says, a torch? Why don’t I become a mentch [decent person]?” He turned his horses around and decided to go back to the house where the two candles were burning. What it Is. She left full of joy. There is Shemiras Shabbos – keeping Shabbos Holy. The holy Seer of Lublin lived approximately 180 years ago. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Lekoved [for the sake of] Shabbos… lekoved Shabbos…. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec … Immediately after lighting candles, special blessings are said over the … My mother said, “Master of the World, Heilige Tatte in Himmel [Holy Father in Heaven], I can’t live without the light of Shabbos. Without saying anything bad, all those Russian and Polish peasants are just so dirty, their officer is ashamed of them. GET DOWN: Lekha Dodi. Throughout his life, Jesus had much to say about it. I know of our holy Forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. He was a porter. This volume is an excellent introduction to the biblical heroes you want your children to meet. I have a wife and children and all I know is to pray a little bit and to recite the Psalms.”. Parshah: Another Portion of the Torah Is Read Every Shabbat. You gave Shabbos to two precious souls, so I want to bless you that you should have the bliss of Shabbos all your life. But in the time of the Viledniker, 150 years ago, it barely happened. There is no wall between them and their husbands and their children. Friends, I bless you with Shabbos, heilige Shabbos. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access.

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