What could be easier? Most sellers just want to clear their merchandise, so make sure to ask lower than you want to pay. I have had mostly good experiences with Poshmark, but I have had a few bad experiences as well. I asked them how a product that was purchased thru Nike is a counterfeit. My money was supposedly released but must be in limbo, because it is nowhere to be found. I need cheaper commission rates! Seems like an awful lot of time spent. Unbelievable. This is where using the filters at the top comes in handy. Read their reviews online it's a scam. Although I was specifically looking for something to go with several items and couldn’t find it, I searched Poshmark anyway. This definitely cuts into your total income, and makes it harder to price items low. We have a post titled, “24 Best Places to Sell Clothes Online for Cash”. Be upfront about any and all flaws the item may have. If you're not having luck on Poshmark or hate the high fees, take a look at my review of selling on Mercari. The absolute worst. Be sure to read about staying safe as a Posh seller before you get started. 2. Thanks to Amazon, many online shoppers think free shipping is a given. There are 9 customers that Poshmark, rating them as excellent. They can use this three-day window to contest or return the item, in which case you won’t get paid. It sounds like you could have stopped dealing with them sooner and saved a little grief and money. I began selling on Poshmark less than one month ago and already feel really upset. There is no way in the world getting $5 to $10 for an item is worth your time or effort. I recently had an issue where a seller sold me garbage for a high price. Selling on Poshmark is an involved process and one that you’ll want to attack from a desktop or laptop computer, as opposed to your phone’s app. Now I’m trying to get a Posh account, which seems to be another fiasco. Which poshmark always has done IF I have a case. The Poshmark app offers buyers the ability to get great items for a good price, and sellers can make money somewhat quickly. Most, if not all, sites have a listing/selling fee. I don’t think it is suitable for producing substantial income, but it helps save money. Are you having trouble selling your items? Obviously you have not ever worked in the fashion industry! In our Poshmark review, we will cover what it is, how it works and if it is for you. Poshmark Review: What You Need to Know Before Buying & Selling on Poshmark. They are telling me I bought the wrong size. As a seller, I have an issue that I have emailed Poshmark about, 3X, with the continual 10% reduction rule to 'likers'. Potential buyers can “like” items and ask you questions directly on the page the item is listed. Poshmark takes your money. Customers can post questions and comments directly on the item’s page. The app was first launched over 8 years ago by Silicon Valley entrepreneur Manish Chandra, former founder of the online shopping site, Kaboodle. Here are some things you can do to better your odds of landing that sale: Check how much similar items are going for on Poshmark to evaluate whether your asking price is too high. Search results on Poshmark list items in the order they were shared. Poshmark’s customer service is an unreasonable liability from a buyer AND seller viewpoint. The shipping is straightforward, as they do a flat rate shipping of $6.79, and the buyer pays this. Do a quick search on Poshmark and eBay to see what your item is fetching. People just want everything for free. You can have one of the top Poshmark closets by using the best bot software mentioned in this Poshmark Review. After 3 days, apparently, they can’t help you out. They asked her if she would like to repurchase the item so that it will show as sold again vs canceled, and she told them yes. I listed 48 items from my closet and sold 14 so far, which earned me $210 after fees. These were not minor things. They were supposedly delivered while I was at work. My $142.00 went down the drain. I did sell an costume bracelet for $4.00! I do not have a crystal ball that would see into the present, past or future. DO NOT use this site. I had a bad transaction through Poshmark.com and a bad seller who sold me rain boots which were defective and leaked and were peeling at the seams. It’s helped me pay off my student loans, so I’m grateful. You can save items to sell only for parties. Lay clothing flat with the tape measure in the photo so you don’t have to write it out in the description, which many customers don’t read anyway. Poshmark then releases your funds on the fourth day, and you have the option to release the funds or spend it in the app. Selling takes a bit of effort, as far as maintaining an active closet and putting (keeping) your items towards the top of the heap. For all sales under $15, Poshmark takes a flat fee of $2.95, and for sales of $15 or more, Poshmark’s commission is 20%. I am curious, though, about why it took so many transactions to find out you did not want to go back to them again? I hope you have better luck with them. Both parties are happy. For sales under $15, they take a flat fee of $2.95, so if you sell a dress for $14, you’ll pocket $11.05. I am not happy with the customer service. If you're considering selling on Poshmark, you might be wondering how difficult it is and whether you'll make any sales. I’m sorry to hear of this. In just a few weeks , I have made a bit over a few hundred dollars. If you have a lot of things to sell, you can set up your own online boutique on Poshmark. Poshmark is not for the consumers. The top selling brands on Poshmark vary widely by category. I also buy second hand clothing from Poshmark and other places both online and in my community to save money and to minimize waste. I can see the pros and cons but if my new merchandise sells and I am not discounting it then I can absorb the 20% for the mass audience they have. You price your items and most times you wind up marking them down and selling for a lot less than you thought you would get. Poshmark allows sellers to sell anything including counterfeit items completely unregulated. If you do not see your initial favorites in the 20 offered, click the Follow More button, and they provide a nice long list in alphabetical order to choose from. Of course, it’s totally up to you whether or not to try again. It takes a little effort and time, but it is better to get a few dollars for a gently used unwanted item then to throw it away. Offers only last for 24 hours, so they may be more inclined to nab that deal. The bank was horrified about the scam and very sympathetic to my cause and allowed me to file for a reversal of the funds. While there’s nothing wrong with answering customers’ questions, constant pinging isn’t an ideal situation either. I like Poshmark, but they take to much time for shipping – around 7 days and more. I sold my Hermes Apple Watch Band on September 19, 2018 and shipped it overnight using a tracked Fed Ex package. Also, with the incentive for sellers to share often, there are a lot of women interested in fashion opening the app every day. Starting in March 2019, Poshmark charges all buyers for sales tax. That leads to a discussion about the best-selling brands. To say that someone who carries many items that are new tags is a thief… I don’t want to use the word, but you’ve forced my hand…it just sounds ignorant! Do you agree with my assessment? Your items sit there posted for months on end. Once your sale has been delivered and received by your buyer, the earnings from your sale are yours.
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