Shortly after the end of Book Two, Zaheer attains the power of Airbending due to Harmonic Convergence and quickly escapes his imprisonment. Even after the poison is extracted, she still has trouble going into the Avatar State and going into the Spirit World due to her lingering fear of her nemesis, mostly of Zaheer. "Bitter Work". Zaheer did not. Zaheer is not proficient as a full-fledged Airbending-master like Aang or Tenzin. Zaheer ist wahrscheinlich der erste Luftbändiger seit Guru Laghima, welcher das Geheimnis des Fliegens lüftete und "wahre Freiheit" erlangte. Zaheer war in einem Gefängnis auf einem Berg gefangen, welches nur durch Metallbändigen über mehrere Metalltüren geöffnet werden konnte um jede Fluchtmöglichkeit (auch durch andere Personen) auszuschließen. Zaheer was born a non-bender, a person who does not possess the ability to telekinetically manipulate one of the classical elements, in a world in which many people possess such abilities. He was deemed dangerous enough to be detained in an isolated prison and had to turn his back to the cell doors with his hands behind his head while receiving food. Er meinte, Korra müsse Kuvira unbedingt stoppen. Er war ziemlich klein bis mittelgroß, schlank aber dafür ziemlich stark (hat Korra einarmig auf seine Schulter getragen). Bolin is able to manipulate the classical element of earth, which is known as earthbending. Through meditation, Zaheer can enter the Spirit World and freely teleport himself and others to various places in that realm. He raised his hand up to her chin and looked back into her eyes with the same amount of emotion as she did. Beruf Thirteen years before the events of Book One: Air, Zaheer and his comrades plotted with Unalaq, the chief antagonist of Book Two, to kidnap the young Avatar Korra, and after indoctrinating her in the Red Lotus' ideology (unknown to Zaheer, Unalaq planned using her to open the spirit portals and release Vaatu so he could become the Dark Avatar). All the other airbenders were brought to the air temple to learn the ways of air nomads, this means being a pacifist in combat. As such, his dialogue is … Zugehörigkeit Subscribe and like the video please :DSuscribanse y denle manita arriba porfavor :D Playing next. Gleitstab Damit vertritt er, ob bewusst oder unbewusst, auch die Aussage von Guru Pathik. After freeing his cohorts Ghazan, P'Li and Ming Hua, they began pursuing Korra. In a contrast to previous antagonists, Zaheer is portrayed as a much more sympathetic villain, as he does not desire conquest or oppression. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. With three of the four elements under her belt (Earth, Water, and Fire), Korra seeks to master the final element, Air. Nach den Ereignissen des Endkampfes mit Zaheer ist Korra noch lange Zeit stark beeinträchtigt. The character was well received by critics as a complex and intimidating villain. Waffen Browse more videos. Self-righteous and merciless in battle, Zaheer has shown himself a patient and composed man. When his lover P'Li's died at the hands of Suyin during a battle to rescue Korra from the Red Lotus, Zaheer let go of his "final earthly tether" and jumped off the mountain; but did not fall. Zaheer's intelligence proves crucial to the final step of Korra's recovery, as she stops using him as emotional crutch to blame her slow recovery on and faces her fears of their last encounter head on. Durch dieses Ereignis bekam er nämlich die Fähigkeit Luft zu bändigen. Seeking to make amends for his actions that led to the rise of brutal fascist dictator Kuvira, Zaheer helps Korra to overcome her fear of him so she can finally enter the Spirit World and reconnect with Raava. Roter Lotus Rather, he desires freedom for all, be they human or spirit. [11], Zaheer has been widely well-received as a character by both fans and critics. Er wurde nach dem finalen Kampf von Buch 3 wieder in Gewahrsam genommen. As Ba Sing Se burns in the ensuing riots, Zaheer frees Mako and Bolin from the Earth Queen's jail, but asks them to pass along a message to Korra: surrender herself or the new Air Nation would be massacred. While he serves as the main antagonist of Book Three: Change, his actions have lingering effects on Avatar Korra and the series' plot in the following book. Nachdem P'Li von Suyin Beifong getötet wurde, war er durch nichts mehr an die materielle Welt gebunden, und konnte so eine uralte, seit Jahrtausenden nicht mehr erreichte Technik des Luftbändigens erlernen: Das Fliegen ohne Hilfsmittel. Log in. Richardmendel32. Kya vs Zaheer and Zaheer vs Tonraq Korra; Zaheer mobility is crazy. [9] Airbending represents the element of freedom,[10] and is categorized as the most elusive of the "four bending arts". zaheer korra voice actor. [14] Kenneth Brown of echoed Nicholson's sentiments, deeming scenes of Zaheer's bending "diabolical". Kampfstil Zaheer is highly skilled in Airbending which utilizes aikido and the chinese martial arts techniques of Baguazhang and Xing Yi Quan. Zaheer guides Korra: Full Scene [HD] Search. The Legend Of Korra Season 4 Episode 9 Review - This Is Why Zaheer Is The Truth!! Körpermasse Er und Unalaq waren Freunde und sind zusammen dem roten Lotus beigetreten. Since he is neither an Air Nomad, nor a pacifist, Zaheer consistently utilizes airbending to assassinate his opponents via suffocation. Following this, Zaheer convinced P'Li to join the ranks of the Red Lotus, and the two eventually formed a romantic relationship. LuftbändigenFliegen Des Weiteren soll Unalaq ebenfalls zu dieser Splittergruppe gehört haben und mit Zaheer seit dessen Jugend bekannt gewesen sein. Kurz bevor er durch das Auge des Sturms fliehen konnte, riss Korra ihn mit letzter Kraft zu Boden. Obwohl er seine Ziele mit allen Konsequenzen verfolgt, vermeidet er leidenschaftliche Ausbrüche und weltliche Bindungen, die ihm beim Erreichen seiner Ziele im Weg stehen würden. His plans ruined and his friends and girlfriend dead, Zaheer is sent back to prison, though his claims that the Red Lotus still had numerous operatives around the world causes the world leaders to reflect on the danger his group still posed in the book's final scenes. Zaheer initially convinces the Earth Queen to hand Korra over to him lest she suffer the other nations' wrath, but upon hearing Korra had escaped Hou-Ting's forces, lost his patience and kills the monarch by Airbending the air out of her lungs, making Zaheer the first Avatar character to graphically kill another on-screen. Aus diesem Grund ging sie zu Zaheer ins Gefängnis. Janet Varney mentioned that in the recording booth for the episode "Beyond the Wilds", Rollins recorded his part in a dark corner of the room, making him look intimidating to Varney and inadvertently helping her accurately portray Korra's fear of Zaheer.[4]. Sign up. Throughout the fourth and final book, Korra suffers from post traumatic stress disorder from her final battle with Zaheer, haunted by his attempt to kill her and destroy the Avatar. "[13], The scene in which Zaheer kills the Earth Queen during the episode "Long Live the Queen" received a strong, often alarmed reaction from critics. Bolin is a major fictional character in Nickelodeon's animated television series The Legend of Korra, which aired from 2012 to 2014. When his plans are foiled, he angrily rants that the Red Lotus' mission cannot be stopped before being imprisoned once again. However, he attained the power of Airbending shortly after the Harmonic Convergence at the end of Book Two: Spirits, quickly becoming proficient with the element. Zaheer is a major recurring character in Nickelodeon's animated television series The Legend of Korra (a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender). Trotz seiner radikalen Ansichten ist Zaheer sehr kontrolliert und bestimmt. Franchise: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Korra followed Zaheer's instructions and gave herself up, in exchange for the Airbenders' freedom. „Zahir” oder alternativ „Zaheer” bedeutet „Das Offenbarte” auf Arabisch. Am Anfang von Staffel 3 hatte er noch einen langen Bart und lange Haare die er sich nach seiner Flucht aus dem Gefängnis wieder glatt abrasiert hatte, um erst nicht aufzufallen. Season 2. Henry Rollins is the voice of Zaheer in The Legend of Korra. Feinde Physische Beschreibung However, the sheer power of the Avatar State proves too much for the Red Lotus to contain, and Korra escapes her confinements and engages in a lengthy aerial battle with Zaheer. The character and the series, a sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, were created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. Er sieht die Tatsache, dass er die Fähigkeit Luft zu bändigen erhalten hat, als Zeichen, dass seine Absichten und Ziele gut sind. Despite his benevolent character traits, Zaheer remains an antagonist seeking to assassinate world leaders. Zaheer is well-versed in Air Nomad spiritualism, philosophy and history; in particular, the teachings of the legendary airbender, Guru Laghima, whom he holds in high regard. Er vertritt die Ansicht, die natürliche Ordnung sei das nicht Vorhandensein von Ordnung, denn jede Form der Ordnung würde die individuelle Freiheit eines Menschen eingrenzen. Nur gegenüber seiner Freundin und Verbündeten P'Li wird eine gewisse Zuneigung offenbar, deren Bedeutung nach ihrem Tod ersichtlich wird: dann erst ist Zaheer frei von allen weltlichen Bindungen und vermag ohne Wind zu fliegen. চিত্র How "The Legend Of Korra" Fails To Villainize Zaheer: চিত্র. Zaheer developed the ability of flight through the teachings of Guru Laghima, becoming the first airbender in four thousand years to do so. Klein Haarfarbe Im finalen Kampf gegen Korra, hatte Zaheer schlussendlich die Oberhand, da das Gift in Korras Körper sie immer mehr schwächte und ihren Avatar-Zustand destabilisierte. Sein Vergehen war die versuchte Entführung von Korra, als diese noch fünf Jahre alt war. Jeff Bennett. Stabil, robust Bekannte Verbrechen Both Zaheer and Kuvira are fascinating villains, but there are some ways that Zaheer is truly the best, and some why Kuvira is the ultimate villain. Before attaining the power of air, Zaheer became notorious for not only his proficiency in martial arts but his ability to charm or manipulate people with his words,[1] making him just as dangerous as his bender cohorts. Diese nutzte er, um seine Wachen in sein eigenes Gefängnis zu sperren und zu flüchten. He is voiced by P. J. Byrne. Körpergröße Nach seinem Ausbruch machte er sich auf den Weg seine Freunde Ghazan, Ming-Hua und P'Li zu befreien. Zaheer - The Legend of Korra The second airbender to ever master flying like Superman (Avatars can’t even do that! Anarchist Zaheer captures Korra, and the Red Lotus reveals that they would invoke the Avatar State by poisoning her, only to kill her and end the Avatar Cycle. It is revealed in the third … IGN called Zaheer an "interesting" character,[14] intrigued by his genuine respect for Air Nomad culture[18] and his affability towards Korra during their conversation in the Spirit World. 6:44. Without Korra there to shape world events, major changes occur, sometimes for better, but often for the worse. Korra sah daraufhin nochmals alles, was sie durchgemacht hatte und was er ihr antat. your own Pins on Pinterest Er hat eine Narbe an der linken Augenbraue. Zaheer ist ein Verbrecher, der vom Orden des Weißen Lotus gefangen genommen wurde und dann mit der Hilfe seiner neu entdeckten Luftbändigerkräfte flüchtete. But Korra had been tricked: the Airbenders were somewhere else, and Korra played right into Zaheer's hands. Over time Korra begins to take in how much responsibility she has to the world at large and the importance of keeping it balanced. During his youth, he met a young firebender named P'Li, whom he saved from the clutches of a warlord intending to make her his personal assassin. Als er dort jedoch erfuhr, das Korra geflohen war, tötete er die Erdkönigin durch Luftbändigen, indem er die Luft aus ihren Lungenflügeln heraus strömen ließ und mit dieser eine Vakuum-Kugel um ihren Kopf formte. Trotz seiner Fähigkeiten ist Tenzin aufgrund seiner Erfahrung im Luftbändigen Zaheer im Kampf überlegen. Roter Lotus Freunde Feb 10, 2021 - Explore Vajra Thiagarajah's board "Legend of korra" on Pinterest. 5 talking about this. Er beschreibt die Aufteilung der Welt in mehrere Nationen als genauso stumpfsinnig wie die Trennung der Geister- von der materiellen Welt. Each of her opponents teaches her something about herself. 6 years ago | 5K views. [15] Mike Hoffman of The Escapist called the scene "a turning point" for the series, where the audience discovers just how dangerous Zaheer really was, but an example of the respect the show's creators had for its audience regardless of age. Braun Augenfarbe He just gained the ability to bend like everyone else. [16] Writing for The A.V. Having studied the airbending forms and disciplines as part of the Red Lotus' plan to kidnap Korra, he was proficient enough to hold his own in combat against multiple powerful bending opponents at once. Nickelodeon. Avatar Korra, bringing peace and balance since 2012. Discover (and save!) Er brachte ihr bei zu akzeptieren, was passiert war. It is also Zaheer's way of making penance for his assassination of Earth Queen Hou-Ting, which allowed Kuvira to take control in a far more brutal regime than the last. Follow. As an Avatar she slowly comes into the role, she thinks of being the Avatar as being a super-hero and so sees helping people as her quest in life. Doch die neuen Luftbändiger-Rekruten formten gemeinsam einen Tornado, der Zaheer und Korra hineinzog, wodurch es ihm unmöglich wurde, sie zu töten. Selbst drei Jahre später … Zaheer quickly puts his skills to use two weeks after attaining them, as he is a prolific leader of the Order of the Red Lotus, a group of militant anarchists seeking to abolish the world leaders, putting him in conflict with Korra and her allies, many of whom are world leaders themselves. Watch fullscreen. চিত্র Zaheer Korra Asami Sato Mako Fan Art, Ming Hua Dado ... চিত্র. ... Korra / ... 52 episodes, 2012-2014. In 2019, Malek won an Oscar for Best Actor for his work on the Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody in which he played Freddie Mercury. Zaheer is not proficient as a full-fledged Airbending-master like Aang or Tenzin. Admitting that the Avatar deserved the right to know why she was being hunted - and stalling until his friends could capture her body - Zaheer openly tells her most of their plans, but neglects to reveal what their endgame with Korra was. "[17], Zaheer's sympathetic nature and complexity as a character also received analysis and critical praise. Avatar: The Last Airbender. Mar 25, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Ninabajic. For other people with the name Zaheer, see. Janet Varney. You'd be surprised to see how many stars voiced characters in Korra. Nachdem die Truppen der Erdkönigin Korra gefangen genommen hatten, fuhren Zaheer und der Rest des Roten Lotus ihnen nach Ba Sing Se voraus, um sie abzufangen. He genuinely believes that he is leading a revolution that will bring equality to the masses, much like Amon, and is seen hesitating to truly use lethal force unless otherwise necessary to his goals. Hautfarbe Before his big break, Malek had a number of supporting roles on TV, including a small part on The Legend of Korra. Prior to obtaining airbending, Zaheer was a master in several forms of martial arts and had extensive combat experience. She does not shy away from her powers and takes great pleasure in being a Bender. Dieser wollte Aang beibringen den Avatar-Zustand zu meistern und erklärte ihm unter anderem, die größte Illusion sei die Illusion der Trennung. Er ist ein Mitglied des Roten Lotus. Der Versuch scheiterte, da Zuko, Sokka, Tenzin und Tonraq Korra erfolgreich beschützen konnten. Die von Zaheer begangenen Verbrechen sind schwerwiegend. Ian Graham on the spirit of an episode commentary for "The Stakeout". Persönliche Information [12] Nicholson also praised Rollins' voice acting in "Beyond the Wilds", declaring that he and Janet Varney had "really knocked it out of the park. Ehasz, Aaron (writer) & Spaulding, Ethan (director). Some of his wind bursts the potential of knocking people out. Zaheer is remarkably agile and acrobatic. Zaheer guides Korra: Full Scene [HD] Ross Cyndi. Er wurde nach dem finalen Kampf von Buch 3 wieder in Gewahrsam genommen. Zaheer sieht sich selbst als einen Freiheitskämpfer. Zaheer is depicted as having a loving relationship with his girlfriend P'Li, who he personally saved from subjugation at the hands of an unknown warlord, and enjoys a strong friendship with fellow Red Lotus members Ming Hua and Ghazan. Helles braun Taking place 70 years after the events of "Avatar: The Last Airbender," this story follows the adventures of the Avatar after Aang - a passionate, rebellious, and fearless teenage girl from the Southern Water Tribe named Korra. [20], "Zaheer" redirects here. However, to Zaheer's dismay, in the material world, Korra has been captured by Earth Queen Hou-Ting, and he ventures to Ba Sing Se with the captured Bolin and Mako. Library. Along with his compatriots in the Red Lotus, Zaheer is the series' most ideologically compelling villain in a series filled with them. P'Li (feste Freundin), Ghazan, Ming-Hua, The name “Zaheer” comes from the 3-letter Arabic root زهر (z-h-r) that refers to enlightenment, wisdom, and blooming. When she begins succumbing to the poison, Zaheer attempts to asphyxiate her, but was defeated by the giant cyclone led by Jinora; and Korra. Obwohl er in einem Hochsicherheitseinzelgefängnis gefangen war, war Zaheer kein Bändiger, zumindest bis zur Harmonischen Konvergenz. Zaheer gained no special power boost from the convergence. Episode 9. Meister Dinge die man als unabhängig von einander erachtet, seien oft ein und dasselbe. Ermordung der Erdkönigin 3:01. Korra murderously said glaring deep into his eyes; his face was blank yet his eyes were filled with humor. She shouldn't have given herself up. Position Besondere Merkmale Zaheer Ihr denkt, Freiheit ist etwas, das Ihr nach Laune geben oder nehmen könnt. Zaheer. [2] The two also noted that Rollins took the role very seriously, and was baffled when the character took on a more comedic role during a cameo in the Book Four episode "Remembrances". Three years later, in "Beyond the Wilds", Zaheer is visited in his tailor-made prison by Korra, who is seeking to overcome her fear of him. Diese Gedichte scheinen Leitbilder für ihn zu sein und werden von ihm oft zitiert. "Nickelodeon's Official Avatar: The Last Airbender Flash Site", "The Legend of Korra - Book Three: Change Blu-ray Review", "Four Ways The Legend of Korra Respected Its Younger Viewers", "Review: The Legend of Korra: "Long Live the Queen,, Fictional characters with air or wind abilities, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 March 2021, at 03:04. Zaheer gibt über Radio seine Tat bekannt, erklärt das Volk habe genug Anführer gehabt, die ihm sagen was es tun soll, weshalb es nun frei sei und lässt nach dem Ende seiner Verlautbarung Ghazan die Mauer zum oberen Ring einreißen. He is also proficient in the art of public speaking, capable of swaying the public opinion to support his goals, as he demonstrated in his speech to the people of Ba Sing Se. 6 years ago | 5K views. [5][6][7][8] The series' creators consulted a professional martial artist in the design of the show's fighting style. In Ba Sing Se bricht daraufhin das Chaos aus, die Menschen randalieren, stehlen so viel Schätze von der Königin wie sie nur können und zerlegen die ganze Stadt. Michael Dante DiMartino, Bryan Konietzko, Katie Mattila: The Lost Scrolls: Air, page 213 of The Lost Scrolls Collection. Aber für Eure Leute ist Freiheit so essentiell wie Luft. Zaheer anonymously announces his deed to the world and invited the Earth Kingdom to celebrate the tyrant's death by descending into anarchy. Korra, Orden des Weißen Lotus Desweiteren scheint Zaheer auch sonst viel über die Kultur und Geschichte der Luftnomaden und Luftbändiger zu wissen. [16], IGN also praised the final fight scene between Korra and Zaheer in "Venom of the Red Lotus", listing it as one of the best fight scenes of 2014 and lauding its "distinct superhero feel". [3] Zaheer was notably the first antagonist to survive the season he served as the primary threat in, a decision DiMartino and Konietzko made early on so that they might use him in the final season. ... Shiro Shinobi - Radio Broadcaster / ... 50 episodes, 2012-2014. Nach einem harten Kampf gegen Team Avatar und einigen Metallbändigern, scheitern sie jedoch. Sondern nur Dunkelheit. Sava elaborated, "the moment firmly pushes The Legend Of Korra out of children's television territory and into the realm of young adult entertainment, trusting that the viewers are mature enough to see a woman get asphyxiated in rather graphic detail, complete with a close-up shot of the Earth Queen gasping for breath while her eyes bulge out in pain. Er wird für den Rest seines Lebens in Haft bleiben. চিত্র. The … The Red Lotus arrives at the Northern Air Temple where they capture Tenzin, his family, and the new Airbenders, though not without Tenzin putting up a ferocious fight first. 327 images (& sounds) of the The Legend of Korra cast of characters. Nachdem Korra den Avatar-Zustand meisterte, fehlte ihr noch etwas - die Verbindung zu Raava. Korra stomped up to Zaheer with no fear, and pushed her finger into his chest with every word. Nachdem er dies geschafft hatte, machen sich er und sein Team auf den Avatar zu entführen. 2 When Korra Failed To Remove The Mercury Poison 3:48. Zaheer half ihr, indem er ihr erklärte, dass sie ihm die Schuld an allem gab, damit sie sich besser fühlte. Disillusioned by the Order of the White Lotus revealing themselves at the end of the Hundred Year War and turning to serve the Avatar and the world's leaders, Zaheer joined the Red Lotus as a teenager, an offshoot of the White Lotus who sought to bring freedom of the world through chaos and anarchy. Zaheer is remarkably agile and acrobatic. This, explains why he is so lethal compared to other airbenders. Bilder (12). [19] Mike Hoffman praised the effort made to portray Zaheer as a "particularly human" villain, citing the fact that he (as well as Amon and Kuvira) made "valid arguments" for their actions, as well as his loving relationship with P'Li.
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