Results, Related: Quiz: How well do you know aespa? Nationality: Korean 0%, 80%, 100% { -webkit-transform: scale(0.0) } Poll: Who is the best vocalist/dancer/rapper in Pixy? Official Number: 22, Giselle Facts: She looks even prettier when she has eye makeup on. Official Number: 24, Karina Facts: – Her favorite drinks are Coca-Cola and Orange juice. She looks like Chaeryeonie and Chaeyeonie's sister. Stage Name: Winter (윈터) Official Animal: Siberian husky Karina 29%, 156079 votes 156079 votes 29% 156079 votes - 29% of all votesWinter 29%, 154778 votes 154778 votes 29% 154778 votes - 29% of all votesNingNing 25%, 132760 votes 132760 votes 25% 132760 votes - 25% of all votesGiselle 16%, 87129 votes 87129 votes 16% 87129 votes - 16% of all votesTotal Votes: 530746Voters: 434795 October 26, 2020 × You or your IP had already vote. Birthday: January 1, 2001 My Bling (Busters, PinkFantasy, Mydoll Girls) Members Profile. Birth Name: Kim Min Jeong (김민정) – Her favorite Band is NCT. Nationality: Korean Aespa Giselle new predebut pic. Official Animal: Whale transform: scale(0.0); Trainee. Let’s see more of Giselle’s journey in the sections below! So, what do we already know about her? Contact Us. – Her name means “Powerful”. Youtube: aespa The poster claimed that Giselle (real name Uchinaga Eri/20) drank alcohol and smoked cigarettes when she was underage. – She was introduced as a SM Rookies on September 19, 2016. She looks different compared to her predebut pictures. .con2 .circle4 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.2s; animation-delay: -0.2s; } – Her favorite genres are pop, hip-hop, and R&B. -webkit-transform: rotateZ(45deg); Blood Type: A transform: rotateZ(45deg); See more Giselle fun facts…, Winter Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Artist. Privacy Policy Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Weibo: @aespa Their name comes from combining ‘æ’ derived from ‘Avatar X Experience’ & ‘aspect’. 40% { -webkit-transform: scale(1.0) } She looks like Cosmic Girls' Dayoung. Personal Blog. – Her foot size is 235-240mm. External Content height: 40px; – Education: Tokyo International School, Sacred Heart School in Japan (the same school Rima from NiziU attended). By continuing to browse this website, you declare to accept the use of cookies. She is a member of the girl group aespa. 6. Also, I really want to try nasi goreng! All it took were the first words to come out her her mouth for her parents to know that their daughter was born to be a star. Artist. – Education: Yangsan Samsung Elementary School, Yangsan Samsung Middle School. – Nickname: Baby rabbit. Musician/Band. .con2 { Aespa SYNK GISELLE ( RAP QUEEN ) ... i think her predebut stuff is actually better than some gg rappers now... #89 chuusaintyves, Nov 5, 2020. loaheart likes … Æspa-Winter. Note: Please don’t copy-paste the content of this page to other sites/places on the web. ÆSPA Philippines. /* Prevent first frame from flickering when animation starts */ – She was part of St. Mary’s Choir. She looks like Cosmic Girls' Subin on the second picture . .circle2 { top: 0; right: 0; } 에스파 / Aespa Predebut pic (middle school) # ... Giselle. Rumor has it that she’s the final member of aespa. Æspa-Winter. Giselle: "Same. Birth Name: Ning Yizhuo (宁艺卓) Suggestions, About Us Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon height: 100%; Official Symbol: Butterfly – Her favorite subject is art. ㄹremember to be kind please . -webkit-animation: bouncedelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out; She was an alto in a choir for four years and is said to have amazing vocal skills. Weight: 43 kg (94 lbs) Band. .circle3 { right: 0; bottom: 0; } Giselle povedala: „Je to také nové a zvláštne. – Her favorite fruits are watermelon and strawberries. .dem-roller { pls credit me if you take info from any of my profiles <3 } .con3 { Karina Who is Who: Kpop Girl Groups background-color: #2686cc; aespa Discography. Height: 166 cm (5’5″) SM has shown aespa can keep up dance wise and now let’s sit back and be mindblown by their vocals / rap/ dance and visuals #9 evo-evolution , Jan 4, 2021 SxRose likes this. When I think of Indonesia, I think of the sunshine and the beaches" Q: What will you do if aespa ever comes to Indonesia? Tags: aespa; SooYoung ☾☼♡ SoneLuv ♡☼☽ Joined: … Official Greeting: width: 10px; <3. DISCLAIMER — SM has never publicly addressed any plastic surgery claims, hence these are only speculations. Position: Leader, Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Face Of The Group Artist. She looks like Yoo Yeon Jung .con3 .circle1 { -webkit-animation-delay: -1.0s; animation-delay: -1.0s; } Karina Aespa. AESPA - Ningning. Kpop Official Fan Club Names So, stay tuned for more updates on aespa’s lineup, concept, and more. – Her favorite film genre is action. Giselle & Winter Aespa Nations. Feb 2nd 2021 #1; Can you believe that Giselle wrote her rap verse for her SYNK predebut teaser? .dem-roller .demrcont { 14. – Her fandom name is “NingMeng’s” (her name+Lemon in Chinese). Aespa Nations. Artist. Height: 163 cm (5’4’’) – She trained for 4 years. She kind of looks neat and pretty. } Giselle Collectibles Store. Official Symbol: Heart ❤ twitter: @neonyeojin Kpop Discographies transform: scale(1.0); height: 10px; .con2 .circle1 { -webkit-animation-delay: -1.1s; animation-delay: -1.1s; } Giselle is a pretty name. This site uses cookies to guarantee its high functionality. Like the rest of her members, Giselle is pictured in a fantasy world with mystical purple and pink vibes. position: absolute; ÆSPA Philippines. See more Karina fun facts…, Giselle Ningning: "We really like Indonesia! Here’s everything we know about aespa‘s Giselle. Winter Kim 윈터 . If an opportunity arises, we want to go to Indonesia and meet everyone really soon. Instagram: @aespa_official @-webkit-keyframes bouncedelay { Official Symbol: Star ⭐ ㄹit’s an only aespa blog. Member roles Current visitors Search profile posts Banned members Top Posters of the Month Now Giselle has been introduced, aespa has four official members—the same number shown in a recent SM Entertainment press conference. But what’s most impressive about Giselle is her short training period. – She trained for 4 years. Giselle Giselle predebut – Twitter. – She became a SM trainee in 2016 and became a member of SM Rookies in the same year. Nationality: Japanese-Korean Kpop Head. ㄹif do not specified, your request will be deleted. – She appeared on a Chinese contest program “Music Honors Student (音乐优等生)”. .circle1 { top: 0; left: 0; } Band. Thank you. January 7 at 7:35 AM. Winter Karina Giselle NingNing × You or your IP had already vote. – Her hobby is cooking. Jika yang lain ditawari untuk menjadi trainee, Giselle yang merupakan blasteran Korea-Jepang ini secara mandiri melakukan audisi terbuka SM Entertainment dan akhirnya lolos. The meaning behind the name is various innovative activities to come with the theme of ‘Experiencing a new world via the encounter of the ‘avatar’, your other self’. Blood Type: B Content embedded … – She trained for 4 years. English Name: Vivian Ning aespa Official Colors: –, aespa Official Accounts: AESPA - Ningning. she/they As we now know it, they weren’t wrong. – In 2020, she appeared with Kai from EXO in the collaboration of the virtual showcase between Hyundai Motor Company and SM Entertainment. See more Winter fun facts…, Ningning She's prety, she's got charms. Discussion in 'K-POP' started by SooYoung, Nov 12, 2020. – She was the vice president of the school. aespa Members Profile aespa (에스파), stylized as æspa, is a 4 member South Korean girl group under SM Entertainment.The group consists of Karina, Giselle, Winter and NingNing.. ㄹi do only layouts, icons, usernames and bios. border-radius: 100%; .con2 .circle2 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.8s; animation-delay: -0.8s; } } transform: rotateZ(90deg); Kpop Boy Group Profiles – She’s the tallest member. .circle4 { left: 0; bottom: 0; } – She can play the guitar. } AESPA - Giselle. – Winter and NingNing are the shortest members. The electronic, light-up flowers and trees are now thought to be represent aespa’s unique virtual avatar world concept. – She was a member of “Let’s Sing Kids” in China. SM entertainment pays heed to it's employee's visuals and it's apparent. Personal Blog. – She wants to visit Croatia. – She was born in Yangsan, Gyeongsangnam-do. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Poll: Who is the best Vocalist/Rapper in TREASURE. position: absolute; They debuted on November 17, 2020 with the digital single “Black Mamba”. Reactions 72 Posts 66. Artist. } The poster also added a photo of a woman displaying "the middle finger", claiming she was Giselle. 5. The fourth—and possibly final—member of SM Entertainment‘s new girl group has been revealed! 1 Career 1.1 2020: Debut with Aespa 2 Trivia 3 Gallery 3.1 Promotional 3.2 Pictorial 3.3 Miscellaneous 4 References On October 28, 2020, Giselle was revealed as a member of aespa through a video shown during a press conference with SM Entertainment founder Lee Soo Man. 3. Zodiac Sign: Aries 0%, 80%, 100% { 15. – She loves “Red Light” by f(x). Musician/Band. she sure had plastic surgery lol — ֶָ֢֪ (@jenhyvn) October 29, 2020. – She can play the piano. Public Figure. Nationality: Chinese 1. .con1 .circle3 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.6s; animation-delay: -0.6s; } 11. Note 2: Their positions were presented in the Naver magazine. instagram: @neonyeojin – She thought Karina was much taller than her, but she was only 1cm taller. Stage Name: Giselle (지젤) -webkit-transform: scale(0.0); – When she was young, she dreamt of becoming a painter. -webkit-animation-fill-mode: both; While It’s said that she did train independently before joining the company, debuting so soon after becoming a trainee is definitely a marvel. She trained for around 11 months in SM Entertainment before Aespa made its debut in November 2020. How many people are in aespa? Official Animal: Tiger 10. 12. .con2 .circle3 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.5s; animation-delay: -0.5s; } – She is a former ulzzang. I think (her stage name) comes from the ballet prodigy (story) 13. – The Japanese version of her name is Eri. jinsoulqueen . – She drinks a lot of milk. Height: 162 cm (5 ft 3¾ in) Who is your aespa bias? margin: 0 auto; It’s currently believed that aespa will be a four-member group, making Giselle’s individual teasers the last, but rumors have also surfaced regarding the possibility of seven members. Hi, we are æspa!”, aespa Fandom Name: MY (마이) Official Number: 44, Winter Facts: “Be my ae! – She has an older brother. So, stay tuned for more updates on aespa’s lineup, concept, and more. NingNing – She likes eating chocolate and sweets. Vlive: aespa (에스파), Members Profile: Pinned Post. – She was born in Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Winter Kim 윈터 . If you need/want to use info from our profile, please kindly put a link to this post. – Her favorite member in BLACKPINK is Jennie. position: relative; It’s currently believed that aespa will be a four-member group, making Giselle’s individual teasers the last, but rumors have also surfaced regarding the possibility of seven members. 2. .con1 .circle4 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.3s; animation-delay: -0.3s; } Giselle & Winter Aespa Nations. Kpop Quizzes Go AllKill and get All Star Benefits! They debuted on November 17, 2020 with the digital single “Black Mamba”. Korean Name: Jeo Ye Tak (저예탁) 2 notes Dec 19th, 2020. Poll: Who is the best vocalist in æspa? ㄹpt-br , eng, français . Kpop Polls Artist. Disclaimer Position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual – She trained for 11 months. – She was in choir for 4 years as an alto. 4. Facebook: @aespa.official This makes Giselle the only female idol in SM Entertainment who has the shortest period of training. disqus: @chooalte❣, Kpop Girl Group Profiles With her luscious brown hair, wide eyes, and sharp facial features, Giselle is simply dazzling. – People think she looks like Krystal from f(x). Height: 167 cm (5’6″) I think SM is not the same SM that I used to know. – She intended to become an actress, but she liked to sing and dance so she decided to become an idol. However, she also reportedly raps, so she could be part of both the rap and vocal lines in aespa. Birth Name: Uchinaga Aeri (うちながえり/우치나가에리) @keyframes bouncedelay { .con3 .circle4 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.1s; animation-delay: -0.1s; } Birthday: October 23, 2002 – Education: Seongnam Shingi Elementary School, Jeongja Middle School, Hansol High School. Birthday: April 11, 2000 .con3 .circle2 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.7s; animation-delay: -0.7s; } – Winter and NingNing are the shortest members. .democracy:after{content:'';display:table;clear:both}.democracy ul li,.democracy ul{background:none;padding:0;margin:0}.democracy ul li:before{display:none}.democracy input[type='radio'],.democracy input[type='checkbox']{margin:0;vertical-align:middle}.democracy input[type='radio']:focus,.democracy input[type='checkbox']:focus{outline:0}.democracy ul{list-style:none !important;border:0 !important}.democracy ul li{list-style:none 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!important;color:#fff;background:#61a9de;text-transform:uppercase}input[type="submit"].dem-button:hover,a.dem-button:hover,.dem-button:hover{color:#fff;background:#3b8bc6}a.dem-button:visited{color:#fff} Sitemap Aespa’s NingNing Shares Which Essential Belongings She Always Carries Around And It’s Not What We Expected, Designer Of aespa’s Debut Outfits Shares How Difficult It Was To Work Around Their AI Concept, Aespa’s Karina And Ningning Discuss The Pressures And Comforts In Being A Leader And A Maknae, 15+ Of The Funniest Reactions To BTS’s V Swimming Shirtless, Prankster Jungkook Gets Revenge On His BTS Hyungs, Here Are 12 Times BTS’s Jungkook Copied His Hyungs, BTS Reveal Their Plans For Celebrating The GRAMMY Awards This Weekend, Actress Jeon Hye Bin Reveals She Lied To Her Now-Husband About Having A Secret Daughter, Here Are 3 Female Idols Whose Unreal Proportions Make Fans Think They’re Tall…Even Though They’re Not, Stray Kids To Proceed For Mnet’s “Kingdom” Without Hyunjin, 5 Female Idols Who Crush K-Pop Stereotypes And Gender Norms, BTS’s Suga Playfully Responds To A “Drunk” ARMY Trying To Flirt With Him, Cube Entertainment Under Fire For Congratulating (G)I-DLE Soojin On Her Birthday, Actress Park Hye Su's Bullying Allegation, Lee Hyunjoo and APRIL's Bullying Allegations. Recent Post by Page. – Her specialty is singing. So, not much else is known about her hobbies and likes yet other than that she plays the guitar and is a fan of both BLACKPINK and GOT7. – She wants to collaborate with Taeyeon from Girls’ Generation (SNSD). Official Symbol: Crescent Moon AESPA - Giselle. BlackPink Blink_Angels. Uchinaga Eri (Japanese: うちながえり, also known by her stage name Giselle (Korean: 지젤), is a Japanese-Korean member of the South Korean girl group aespa. It really defines how talented Giselle must be! – She made an appearance in Taemin‘s MV “Want”. Satu-satunya dari keempat member aespa yang mengikuti audisi mingguan di SM. } aespa Giselle's predebut pictures theqoo. Official Number: 94, Ningning Facts: Karina width: 100%; Position: Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist Public Figure. jinsoulqueen; Feb 2nd 2021; AllKill Update (3.3.2021) - Now more Akorns monthly! width: 40px; Winter ResultsPoll Options are limited because JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon Poll: Which song of ONF’s MY NAME Album is your favorite? animation-fill-mode: both; – Her favorite colors are red, yellow and pink. – She was born in Harbin, China. Now Giselle has been introduced, aespa has four official members—the same number shown in a recent SM Entertainment press conference. Kpop Ships Kpop – Who wore it better? Fans are already saying her visuals look like a mix of f(x)‘s Krystal…. .con3 .circle3 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.4s; animation-delay: -0.4s; } The group consists of Karina, Giselle, Winter and NingNing. January 7 at 7:35 AM. Skutočnosť, že toľko ľudí o nás prejavuje záujem, ma núti pracovať tvrdšie. Weight: 45 kg (99 lbs) TikTok: @aespa_official Recent Post by Page. aespa Members Profile Poll: Who owned The Boyz ‘Breaking Dawn’ era? animation: bouncedelay 1.2s infinite ease-in-out; – Nickname: Riri. Like Winter and Karina, Giselle wasn’t introduced under the SM Rookies predebut program. Uchinaga Aeri was born on October 30, 2000. Author’s note: If you want to post this anywhere, please also credit my twitter (@neonyeojin) in the biography of that post. AESPA - Philippines. Poll: Who’s the best vocalist/rapper in Mamamoo? Why are they called æspa? Kpop Positions Explained Birth Name: Yoo Ji Min (유지민) Official Animal: Unicorn ㄹbe specific with your request ⩩ icons: lq, preview, messy or simple ⩩ usernames: short, soft or messy ⩩ bios: text bios, short bios or messy bios. Giselle joined the company around 2019. – She speaks English, Korean and Japanese. Reminder that Giselle wrote her predebut rap verse as a trainee! Public Figure. Weight: – Blood Type: O – She has a dimple on her left cheek. aespa (에스파), stylized as æspa, is a 4 member South Korean girl group under SM Entertainment. Aespa Nations. .con1 > div, .con2 > div, .con3 > div { Heol, what's this, she's f*cking pretty. Position: Main Vocalist, Maknae She studied at an international school in Japan, and is therefore believed to be fluent in English as well as Japanese and Korean. Stage Name: Ningning (닝닝) Blood Type: O Chcem stále ukazovať, ako sa môžem zmeniť.“ Winter povedala: „Som nadšená a nervózna, že môžem všetkým ukázať výkon, ktorý som tak dlho cvičila. Kpop Facts Weight: – BlackPink Blink_Angels. Giselle is either Japanese or Korean-Japanese, making her the second international member of aespa alongside Chinese Ningning. Just a small girl in a small town. } – Nickname: Karomi. Giselle (whose real name is Aeri Uchinaga) was born in 2001, making her around 19 years old and part of the group’s “unnie line”. AESPA - Philippines. Giselle (지젤) is a Japanese-Korean rapper and singer under SM Entertainment. – Her dad is Japanese and her mom is Korean. -webkit-transform: rotateZ(90deg); – She can speak Chinese and Korean. Poll: Who is the best dancer in æspa? Feel free to comment below. – The yearbook quote she used was “That’s hot”. Public Figure. – Ideal type: a nice guy who only likes her, that has a pretty nose and is taller than 180cm (5’11). 7. Kpop Head. – Her favorite female artists are f(x), Taeyeon, IU and Park Soojin. -webkit-transform: scale(1.0); Twitter: @Aespa_Official } 40% { Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Latest Korean Comeback: According to reports, she joined SM Entertainment less than a year ago. Birthday: October 30, 2000 See more NingNing fun facts…, A special thank you to all the people who helped me provide more info about aespa! Please do respect the time and effort the author put in compiling this profile. January 7 at 1:43 AM. January 7 at 1:43 AM. Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon Recently rumors have arisen about rookie girl group aespa member Giselle, when a controversial internet post claiming to know about her past has been uploaded. Karina Aespa. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Collectibles Store. Stage Name: Karina (카리나) – She likes green tea and barley tea. – She has a husky voice. – Many fans think that she looks like Girls’ Generation (SNSD)‘s Taeyeon. Giselle (aespa) Profile and Facts Giselle is a member of the South Korean girl group aespa. } – She participated in MBC “Shining Star”, which aired from October 16, 2017 Who is your aespa Do you know more facts about them? Poll: Who owned Ateez’ “Fireworks (I’m the One)” era? .con1 .circle2 { -webkit-animation-delay: -0.9s; animation-delay: -0.9s; } Poll: Who is your favorite vocalist/rapper/dancer in Dreamcatcher? Poll: Who owned iKON’s “Why Why Why” era? Kpop Albums Info
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