Bonus round is the destruction of Galactus Bonus round is the destruction of Galactus @galanxg_6stunix said: All the while, Nightmare gloats about how powerful he is, boasting that dreams have no limits. On the same power level as the celestials, he might as well be a God. AboutPressCopyrightContact usCreatorsAdvertiseDevelopersTermsPrivacyPolicy & SafetyHow … Thor #133 (Oct 1966, Marvel) Thor vs. Ego! Bringing up Fox Galactus is like asking someone to recount the time their parent died. From then on out, I wanted to read as much as I could (not limited to comics of course) everything from the Marvel and DC universe. 6/21/17 4:30PM. Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice Gallery, Every Stan Lee Cameo in a Marvel Movie since 1989. Ego then reveals that before his creation by the Stranger, his consciousness was that of a man named Egros, similar to Galactus' former self Galan. I’ve been reading comics for more than 35 years! Something I had never seen before. It took a Planet busting detonation from Silver Surfer just to kill Galactus. the guy was stated to be able to hold infinity stones iirc. ( Log Out / Stan Lee & Jack Kirby! Thor 160 FN 5.5. All night long we laid on the floor, reading these comics and even though I was too young to read them myself, I listened intently while he discussed and explained Daredevil’s powers, what happens when Hulk gets mad and Iron Fist’s prodigious use of Kung-Fu. Your answer is probably answered below. why does he need to bust a planet. Who will win in a fight between Unicron & Ego and Galactus & Imperiex? Galactus wurde von Jack Kirby und Stan Lee geschaffen und trat erstmals in Die Fantastischen Vier #48 auf. Galactus didn't do anything. ( Log Out / Unless Galactus goes straight for Ego's main planet (the one that holds his brain), he's dead. You have any evidence that surfer's attack was his own power and not the connection with galactus? Thus began my second great love affair. Why the name Lowbrowcomics? Who will win in a fight between Galactus and Ego? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Does Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth Work on Batman? Registrado 30 Ene 2011 Mensajes 6,355. I hope you find it interesting too. Round 2: The whole universe could have been threatened if Dormammu had entered Earth, so probably Ego and Dormammu. Clip from the 90s Fantastic Four cartoon episode "Battle with the Living Planet". Ego has a month prep? So there you have it, I’m not going to go through all my major milestones with comics, there just isn’t enough bandwidth available :) I just hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy making it! Hello! Obwohl er anfangs verspottet wurde, wurde die Wahrheit klar, als die Menschen der umliegenden Planeten umkamen. Ego went to war with Galactus over this, attacking him despite the All-Black empowering Galactus. Ego tries to stop this by unleashing a furious blast at Galactus, the force of which reaches Thor and the Recorder’s ship destroying it … Galactus ate Saturn. Superhero battle match: Unicron & Ego versus Galactus & Imperiex. Ego tries to stop this by unleashing a furious blast at Galactus, the force of which reaches Thor and the Recorder’s ship destroying it and seemingly killing its passengers. REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E6: AKA You’re A Winner! Maybe not one shotted but, galan is certainly not tanking it and has no offenive feats so ego stomps using tentacles and light blast. @mutant1230: What is Galactus gonna do, rain on him? Off-Topic, being a huge Galan fan, I still cant get ov. Strange machines were walking across a frozen wasteland shooting lasers at peculiar looking ships, a man clad in all black with a deep raspy voice strode through frozen hallways looking for someone called “The princess”. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Taking a smaller craft, Galactus flies into the Black Galaxy and finds himself before Ego the Living Planet. Marvel. Bonus round is the destruction of Galactus. Never underestimate cloud villains though... For feats I would say ego. Seller 100% positive. However, the Sixth Infinity and all its universes were in their final stages of collapse due to the multiversal renewal cycle.Originally, like … 17 May 2020 #1 Surtur Surtur was a Fire Demon, lord of Muspelheim, and a significant figure in the prophecy of Ragnarök as the one who would initiate the fall of Asgard. Off-Topic, being a huge Galan fan, I still cant get over R.O.T.S.S. They are spied by a group called the Wanderers, a group of aliens that have survived the destruction of their worlds at the hands of Galactus and seek revenge against the world destroyer and they decide to follow after Thor and the Recorder. @bowlt_swagg_320: @themerciless: what saying a featless guy is featless is lowballing? The Mighty Thor meets Ego the Living Planet! (Batman: A Death in the Family), Harley Quinn responds to a creepy comment... (Harley Quinn #26). It was all over after that. A space explorer, Galan discovered the center of his universe's collapse: the Cosmic Egg. 69. Thor #168, GD/VG 3.0, Origin of Galactus; Cover Detached. Charles Pulliam-Moore. Wonder Woman “Rise of the Warrior” ⚔️ final trailer is GLORIOUS! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Ego attacks Galactus as he journeys to his inner brain at the center of the planet, however loses control of his constructs, which realize that Galactus is not a threat. Galactus vor dem Silver Surfer als Cosplay. ( Log Out / What feats does Galactus have other than hype and getting thumped bybhis own herald? Galan überzeugte die Handvoll Überlebender, glorreich zu sterben, indem er ein Raumschiff in den flammenden kosmischen Kessel flog. Galactus is the sole survivor of the sixth incarnation of the Multiverse. Up for your consideration isThor 160 FN 5.5 1 Book Lot Ego VS Galactus! In a second fight between Ego and Galactus Ego won with Galactus even stating that Ego's power surpasses his own and that before Ego's he was but a dust mote, and Thor states that neither he nor Galactus have the power to beat Ego. $139.99 + shipping. THOR 160 CBCS 6.0 STAN LEE STORY JACK KIRBY CVR & ART GALACTUS VS EGO 1969 CGC ? With the aid of Thor, recruited by the Colonizers of Rigel, Ego drove off Galactus; the surviving Archeopians made Ego their new home. Die anderen wurden durch die intensive … I remember the day I started pretty clearly. Galactus would have no problem devouring Ego and you know there's nothing Ego can do about it. Who are you? Every part of its substance is controlled by Ego. Galactus, manchmal auch Weltenzerstörer oder Planetenfresser genannt, ist eine Comicfigur im Universum der Marvel Comics. Lol Also what the hell is light suppose to do here? RELATED: Marvel's Galactus Is More Powerful Than the Celestials - Here's Why. I do not own the rights to this material. Hit me up on Twitter @lowbrowent. Ego hasn’t shown enough power to kill him. Categories: Ego The Living Planet, galactus, Marvel Comics, The Mighty Thor, Versus, Tagged as: comic books, comics, Ego The Living Planet, galactus, Marvel Comics, The Mighty Thor, VS, Greetings! Uncanny X-Men Covers 1-35 +600! Yep, you guessed it. MCU VS FOX MARVEL: Ego, Dormammu y Surtur VS Galactus, Silver Surfer y la Fuerza Fenix. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. It would be a good. He's never even busted a planet, whereas Galactus actually has an on screen feat of devouring Saturn in 5 seconds. Superhero battle match: Team Ego versus Galactus & Anti-Monitor. Um zu überleben muss er die Energie ganzer Welten (Planeten) aufzehren. His origins date back before the big bang. Ego has complete knowledge of Galactus and a month of prep time. View all posts by lowbrowcomics. The Recorder detects that Galactus is within the Black Galaxy and the two speed off to meet their foe there. Empowered by the symbiote overtaking his celestial body, Ego was able to turn the tide of the battle and devour Galactus himself. Galactus was targeted by Dr. Doom, who used the reality-altering Cosmic Cube and other weapons to steal Galactus' power, but he retook the power with the aid of the Fantastic Four. While aboard the Rigellian flagship, Thor meets with the Rigellian commander and the Recorder to determine their plan of attack against Galactus. Ok, cool. Thanos is on the hunt for the infinity stones, after arriving on the home world of the Dark Elves and waging war on their home planet Svartalfheim . Bonus: Universe/Dimension consumer > Planet eater. All I see is a giant space cloud. Bro, usually I always agree with you but this is just lowballing. He used to be a humanoid known as Galan. Galactuswas originally an explorer named Galan from a planet called "Taa" in a universe that existed before the big bang. Who will win in a fight between Galactus (World Butcher) and Ego? I poked my head in to see what was on and noticed something strange on the tube. $119.00 + shipping. Odin VS Galactus!!! Follow on Galactus is an ancient being; a true force of nature in the cosmos. LOL.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Finally, back in the Black Galaxy, Galactus and Ego boast about their mutual power and Galactus demands to consume Ego’s energies. This is a mismatch. Months after his battle with Thor, Ego was discovered by Galactus. Galan, ein Weltraumforscher, entdeckte eine Strahlenpest, die ganz Taa bedrohte. With an entire atmosphere at his command and the ability to create and command a powerful non-sentient humanoid army of Antibodies, Ego has powers few can withstand. Change ). HE DOESN'T HAVE FEATS TO TANK EGO'S LIGHT. Another version of Galen would eventually win. Offline . This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The planet buster. Ego has the for prep and knows Galactus abilities.he will surely plan something. Galan, however, did not die, but was transformed by the Sentience of the Universe, … the giant galaxy barf stomps the planet with a penis. Welcome to my blog page! Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), [Review] Supergirl – S1 E07 – Human For A Day. THOR #132 CGC 9.2 OW-WP *OLD LABEL 1ST APPEARANCE EGO STAN LEE JACK … Okay you used to be respectful, but now you're just lowballing. Even though I love reading them, the title of the blog serves as a reminder to just have fun with them. I will try to update this page as much as possible with the junk I find interesting. Autor alter; Fecha de inicio 17 May 2020; alter. Finally, back in the Black Galaxy, Galactus and Ego boast about their mutual power and Galactus demands to consume Ego’s energies. Well, while comic books can be compelling, imaginative and extremely well written, they aren’t exactly Shakespeare. Originally Galactus was a humanoid named Galan, born in the previous incarnation of Earth-616 on the planet Taa, a paradise-like world whose civilization is said to have been the most advanced of any of the known universe of that time. He can do nothing but getting everything sucked out of him. If we are going off implication, then yes, Galactus. (2013-2015), 12 Sensationally Stunning She-Hulk Covers. Thor, who was recruited by would-be Rigellian colonizer Tana Nile to destroy Galactus, was caught in the cros… Wait, a MONTH of prep?! Not only can Galactus withstand Ego's powers, but they in … Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Who will win in a fight between Team Ego and Galactus & Anti-Monitor? Twitter: Cap's epic speech to Spider-Man during Civil War. Seller 99.9% positive. He has has expeirence vs many beoings with that level of power. Galactus devoured Saturn in less than 5 seconds. From then on out it was Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends on Saturday morning, Batman birthday cakes, Fantastic Four bed sheets, watching Superman movies and on and on and on. Ghost Rider vs Galactus. Superhero battle match: Galactus versus Ego. When the impending cataclysm gradually killed all life in his universe, including almost all of his own people, he and other survivors sought to escape the decay of their world. 21 Awesome Power Man and Iron Fist covers! @cerberus369616: he has actually destroyed worlds. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I will answer them in … Pretty sure fox silver surfer would slaughter ego. YOU THINK EGO'S JUST GONNNA STAND THERE? 11. He activates his seeds all across the galaxy and destroys Galactus. REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E1: AKA Ladies Night, REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E2: AKA Crush Syndrome, REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E3: AKA It’s Called Whiskey, REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E4: AKA 99 Friends, REVIEW Jessica Jones S1E5: AKA The Sandwich Saved Me. Superhero battle match: Galactus (World Butcher) versus Ego. Darkthunder just ranked to top 2 out of top 5 MCU wankers. Galactus, Surtur, Ego the Living Planet and three of the Celestials had just attempted to stop Nightmare, who was harvesting the dreams of others in order to increase his power. I do not agree with this … But when Galactus got too close to Ego, the All-Black spread to Ego and transformed him into Ego the Necroworld. Nochmal ganz deutlich: Der Löschantrag für den Artikel zu PAN e.V. Even then, featless galactus gets one shotted by the huge attack which busted the whole sovereign fleet. Michael Patrick Lynch: 11/3/96 12:00 AM: Devin Wong ( wrote:: Jason Bruno Romano ( wrote:: : Without getting into the actual debate, I would just like to take issue with : : this one statement. He simply doesn't have the feats to tank an attack as powerful as the one ego used to destroy sovereign flleet. Seller 98.8% positive . Trotz der Bemühungen der größten Wissenschaftler von Taa konnte keine Heilung gefunden werden, und die Bevölkerung begann zu sterben. Galactus (auch bekannt als The Devourer of Worlds, the Third Force of the Universe, im deutschen auch Weltenzerstörer oder Planetenfresser), ist der einzige Überlebende eines Universums das vor dem Urknall existierte. Lasst euch das auf der Zunge zergehen: Die Egomanen fühlen sich mit ihren Racheaktionen dermaßen sicher, dass sie die ganz offen zugeben. Although, even if he does go straight for Ego's main planet, he might still lose considering Ego might detonate a whole planet, destroying Galactus a lá Silver Surfer. With their course set, Thor and the Recorder travel off in a ship to confront Galactus himself. $24.99 + shipping. If he's starving Ego wins. Galactus has worked up an appetite, and this time, it’s Earth on the menu! Ego said he is no bigger than Earth's Moon when he is in his planetary from or just the planet itself. The world devourer pauses when he detects the thoughts of a powerful creature and decides to seek out its source as his hunger is mounting once more. In his initial adventure, Firelord teamed up with Hercules, Thor and Galactus and earned his release from the role of herald to Galactus when they defeated the insane Ego the Living Planet. Where is Galactus? He is still. So what about you? The Joker is rendered sane in The Lazarus Pit (Batman: Legends of The Dark Knight #145), Power Girl & Harley Quinn vs. a Stepford Wife version of Powergirl, DC vs. Marvel: Batman vs. Captain America, Wolverine vs. Sabertooth (Wolverine gets his adamantium back), The Joker beats Robin to death. Learn how your comment data is processed. What you got some feats or some asspulls that Ego can now travel trough hyperspace or something? Ego has the for prep and knows Galactus abilities.he will surely plan something. At age 7 in 1984, I was at a birthday party and while most of the kids were playing with toys with the birthday boy, I noticed a TV on in the other room. The devourer of worlds immediately attacked the living planet, who created a shield of solid clouds to defend himself and returned fire. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. This is a page dedicated to comic books, comic book movies, pop culture news and other stuff that I find interesting. I’m glad you asked! The Empire Strikes Back. When I was about 3 or 4, my dad came home from work and among the little treats he usually brought home, he brought an issue of the Incredible Hulk, Daredevil and Power-Man and Iron Fist. Sure he can eat Ego lol. Ultimates 2 Is Turning Galactus and Ego the Living Planet Into Cosmic Superheroes. REVIEW: The Mighty Thor #1 – This part never gets old. As he lords over those defeated cosmic titans, Nightmare pokes out one of Ego the Living Planet's eyes. They left Taa via a space vessel, but it was eventually engulfed in the cataclysm that ended the old universe and spawned a new one. Ego is a Planet smart one! Fin.
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